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The most crucial thing about this character is proper use of his E. You do not run in and throw it on a champion, this is a tool to get CS and once you've built enough AP it will destroy anything that moves. When the minions spawn into lane hit one of them twice than pop your E on that minion. continue to basic attack it and the E will roll down the lane from minion to minion. You have to constantly keep it rolling, and make sure to conserve your mana.
One thing to remember is that Malzahar tends to push lanes a little too fast which could cause you to over extend. Be cautious at all times and keep both bushes warded.
One thing to remember is that Malzahar tends to push lanes a little too fast which could cause you to over extend. Be cautious at all times and keep both bushes warded.
Malzahar has one of the most ridiculous ults in the game so learn how to use it correctly. This interrupts an enemy and sucks them dry, similar to fiddle's drain. Save this for team fights, ganks or if an enemy tries to tower dive you. You will lock them in place momentarily and either your team or your turret will do the rest of the work for you. Once you have enough AP what you want to do is clear all the enemy minions, drop E, W, Q, ignite than ult and your voidling will spawn, this is a guaranteed kill every time on 90% of champions
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