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Kled Build Guide by The Cowardly Lizard



Updated on April 25, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Cowardly Lizard Build Guide By The Cowardly Lizard 3,193 Views 2 Comments
3,193 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Cowardly Lizard Kled Build Guide By The Cowardly Lizard Updated on April 25, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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What exactly is a

Have you ever died while mounting Skaarl? Well let me let you in on a little secret... Skaarl is a big *****! Even though she is an IMMORTAL she still runs away. The solution? MAN KLED!! Every cowardly lion needs a Dorothy, and guess what we aint in Kansas no more!
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How to play

The first step to playing man Kled correctly is all-ining as soon as you hit level 3. Because you are a manly *** yordle. It dosent matter who the enemy top laner is you get on them ignite fight them! Lose Skaarl? barrier and man it out get Skaarl back, first blood easy. This is how most of the early game will go and it is very important to man Kled so he can get fed and dominate with his "Unstoppable Manliness". As long as you remember you are man Kled not some ***** boy Kled you should be all good. At this point most people find themselves saying "I'm fed now what?" Now you use your ult that sounds like something off of Loony Tunes to strike fear in the hearts of your enemy you roam around the map and do the same thing all in barier man it out untill Skarrl comes back. As man Kled you will be deleting towers almost as fast as champions so after a roam push that **** in.
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Late game as

If early and mid game goes well, by the end game you reach what I like to call "Unstoppable Manliness". See a enemy? Fight it. See a tower? Fight it. See a jungle camp? Fight it. See an inhibitor? Fight it? it does mot matter what it is you simply fight it. The rest of your team fed and its a 1v9? Good thing you have 9 health bars. As long as you never disengage and go in balls-deep screaming "IM MAN KLED *****" you can do anything. In summary, you want to win? Play man Kled. You want to play man Kled? Dont be a ***** *** Skaarl be a Kled.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Cowardly Lizard
The Cowardly Lizard Kled Guide
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