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Master Yi Build Guide by kilonalios

Support Master Yi , the annoying tank

Support Master Yi , the annoying tank

Updated on June 15, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kilonalios Build Guide By kilonalios 12,333 Views 0 Comments
12,333 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kilonalios Master Yi Build Guide By kilonalios Updated on June 15, 2017
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General idea

You enemies will expect you to output an insane amount of damage but be very easy to kill. Thus they will focus on you when they get the chance and if you are not careful you will die in an instant.As such the recommended advice usually with yi is wait for your team to do the damage and lower enemies to half health then go in and focus on enemies fragiles.

Naturally this the most logical course of action for a hero that is so fragile. The fact also that you can do a ton of damage very fast make this a favorite tactic.

But who cares about logic let's go crazy.

This build gives you the ability to do the exact opposite , do less damage as burst , probably get less kills but be far more useful to your team. You will be in battle non stop without a care in the world if your enemies are full health or not. Naturally enemies will focus on you , do not panic , rejoice.

3 attacking you ? No problemo , open meditate and let them waste precious time doing you 30% damage with + 1500 health. Your team will have enough time to get the first kills .

Enemies get smart avoiding you and for your fragiles ? No problemo. Hunt them down and slow them down to a crawl with your frozen mallet

What's that , they running for their lives ? Open that ulti and use that slow to get easy kills.

They think they got rid of you on low health running like a scared cow ? Those fools. Hide for a few seconds open meditate and let warmog armor do its magic by restoring your full health in seconds. Then out of nowhere they see a full health master yi coming back at them with a vengance.

Tank master yi , the ultimate troll. You may not do insane damage but you will do insane damage to heir moral. Surrender will be their only option if your team is not brain dead.
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You main role is to help your teammates stay alive. The more your team stays alive while attacking, the more damage your team will do , the better the chances to win the fight.

What makes master yi such a great tank is not the amount of damage he can take. Frankly without mediate your are not that tanky and if enemies are even ok noobs they will avoid attacking you while in meditate.

However what gives you the edge is your insane mobility because of alpha strike and your ulti. This will allow you to assist any ally at any distance. Not only alpha strike will practically teleport you there will also damage any enemies in its path. When you get there do not use your ulti, unless of course you can get the kill / assist and thus extend the duration of your ulti, if the threat is another tank you will be wasting good damage. But you will be able to slow the tank down to a crawl because of your frozen mallet. 60% constant slow is really bad news and even if the enemies removes the slow you apply it again with your next hit. To make matters worse your passive will do an extra hit.

Generally I like to play what I call "The Path of Excalibur". I start by moving left and right essentially spreading my slow and pressure on tanks and other melee champions with an appetite for easy kills. I let my team put a pressure on them since they are the easy target. Enemy melee will start to fall back slowly melting under the constant pressure of your team. This is the "Excalibur handles"

Then it is time for the "Excalibur blade". Because enemy melee will be falling back, support fragiles will be staying at a close distance mainly because they are full or high health so more confident, want to assist and get the precious kill. Big mistake. Use Alpha Strike to do the extra damage to already bleeding melee but now your focus goes to the fragiles. Alpha strike will teleport you to the unsuspecting fragile giving a nice start damage even before you start auto attacking. Its now time to open your ulti and show to the enemy team that you may be a master yi tank but still can do quite a lot of damage.

From there on its pretty straightforward , even with your lower damage your ability to tank damage , your slow and your double damage from your ulti and extra moving speed will be a huge problem for fragiles. Focus on them, ignore any more difficult to kill champion.

If enemy team gets smart and try to pull the same trick launching a counter attack to your fragiles, bad for them. Your constant attacking will keep Alpha Strike in low cooldown, use it, you will be in the back of the enemy team meaning Alpha strike will spread a nice damage teleport you back to your fragile , damaging both fragile and melee, and kill any fool daring to mess with your team who already by now should be on low health and easy to kill.

Because of your insane health regen out of combat coming from Warmog's Armor you can always fall back if you feel you are walking into a trap with low health, regen some or full health and go back in action very fast. Meditate healing helps here too for that extra heal.
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Obviously no tactic is perfect and it all depends on your skill as a player. However this build comes with some serious disadvantages.

What makes Yi special is obviously his ability to snowball. He gets kills, kills give him gold, gold give him items , he ends up doing devastating damage even to tanks.

This wont happen with this guide, lower damage will heavily decrease your chances to snowball. This means it will make it harder for you to get items which you need to be tanky in the first place. This makes this guide difficult to pull through. Not too difficult though.

Another problem is that obviously yi was not made to be a tank and that shows from the very high cooldown of meditate that you so much rely on for absorbing incoming damage. Generally speaking you wont be using meditate for long because the goal is not to heal but rather to reduce the damage you take, enemies will attack you for a second and then as soon as they realize your meditate is on they will stop.

Another problem is that healing from meditate is quite low and because of its long duration its not worth using in battle for healing. To make matters worse Warmog armor needs time to trigger its insane heal meaning that other than using meditate once, your ability to avoid damage is quite limited to using alpha strike. Still not bad, but definitely not great either. Its not bad because attacks and the ulti will greatly reduce the cooldown of alpha strike. Use it wisely.

Bad idea also to use this build if your team lack damage because it takes a long time to get the items you need to do heavy damage and even if you get then your damage will never be impressive.

Also this build does not turn Master Yi to your usual point and click here. You have to think more about what you doing and always be aware of your team because helping them ,stay alive, is your goal.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kilonalios
kilonalios Master Yi Guide
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Master Yi , the annoying tank

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