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Heimerdinger Build Guide by megamaster93



Updated on January 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author megamaster93 Build Guide By megamaster93 3,679 Views 3 Comments
3,679 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author megamaster93 Heimerdinger Build Guide By megamaster93 Updated on January 8, 2012
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Heimerdinger is a very good player. Most importent is that he can place turrets. With that turrets you can easy farm gold and kill minions. Beacuse i use Promote and can place turrets i can easly tank turrets. This is the way i play Heimerdinger. When you have some questions you can always ask. When you have tips or hints for me you can always say it too me. Maby i can learn from you. My best game Heimerdinger ever is 11-4-6 that was in 5 vs 5.

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Skill Sequence

When you go for FB (first blood) it is importent too unlock Hextech Micro-Rockets then you can deal fast and good dammage too your opponent. the second is turret. This one is very good too kill minions. When you are lv 6 you must unlock upgrade. If you use that skill your turrets that you have make deals more dammage. Upgrade can you use evry where you dont have too be close too your turret. One nice hint Heimerdinger is the only champion who can heal turrets. So when you are close too a turret it gonna heal a bit.
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Your masteries page is import for every champion it is tyour basic.
For Heimerdinger it is importent that he has more mana because the skills of Heimerdinger are using a lot of mana. Cooldown reduses is importent too, so can you use skills more. If you use other spells as me then dont unlock Summoner`s insight then unlock Summoner`s Wrath or Summoner`s Resolve.

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You can choose your own items just what you like you have too buy. But for Heimerdinger is ability power, health, mana and cooldown reduse importent.

Rabadon's Deathcap is the best ability power item. You have too buy this when you play Heimerdinger or a other mage.
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Runes are same as masteries it is your basic. With runes you can start stronger as other champions. Just what you like. I like too start with more health and mana. Also i choose for magic penetration. That lows other player`s hist magic risist. But you can buy full health runes then you start with 200 more health this is more if you like too tank.
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Team Work

I mostly play 3 vs 3 in this game is team work importent. The map is very small so SS is importent too say. If you want too make it easyer place Vision warts so can you see places for 3 min. If you play Heimerdinger you can solo dragon at lv 10 just place 2 turrest and use ulti then hit the dragon. So you get a buff and you team become stronger. On lv 6 you can easly get the red buf this buf is only for you self not for whole team.
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I hope you have learn too play better with Heimerdinger if you have tips or hints for me please write your comment down here. When you have question you can always ask it.
Greets Megamaster
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League of Legends Build Guide Author megamaster93
megamaster93 Heimerdinger Guide
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