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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
+ Incredible easy to farm which Make it Rain.
+ Good Mobility due to Strut.
+ Very strong poke even in early/mid game.
+ Don't fall flat in late game keeping her high damage output.
+ Can cause a lot of Damage between end and mid game
- You have to know how to play as both Mid and ADC
- Can be killed easily
- Bullet time can be interrupted by any CC which make it a bit difficult
- Play Smart
+ Incredible easy to farm which Make it Rain.
+ Good Mobility due to Strut.
+ Very strong poke even in early/mid game.
+ Don't fall flat in late game keeping her high damage output.
+ Can cause a lot of Damage between end and mid game
- You have to know how to play as both Mid and ADC
- Can be killed easily
- Bullet time can be interrupted by any CC which make it a bit difficult
- Play Smart
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