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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by Bladestorm xD

Mr. Mundo Style !

Mr. Mundo Style !

Updated on August 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bladestorm xD Build Guide By Bladestorm xD 2,738 Views 0 Comments
2,738 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bladestorm xD Dr. Mundo Build Guide By Bladestorm xD Updated on August 24, 2011
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Dr. Mundo in my opinion is the best tank - with this health and health regen, he can't die ! He is one of my main champions too. Let's start this.
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Pros / Cons

Pros :
Nice health regen.
Great farmer.
Really usefull abilites.

Cons :
Focuses a lot early game and if you can't play iwth this champion, you won't have good late game.
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Absolutely defencive (tank) runes.
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Spirit Visage - Nice combination with your ultimate !
Ninja Tabi - More dodje chance. (If enemy team got much casters, purchase Mercury Treads)
Warmog's Armor - Bunch of health.
Force of Nature - High boost of health regen and magic resist !
Atma's Impaller - Well, you have 4k+ health and this item gives you damage, armor and crit !
Hextech Gunblade - You will say 'A hibryd item on tank ?! WTF' and here is the answer - You have verry much health, health regen, armor and dodje but you don't have verry much damage. This item gives a lifesteal and spell vamp, nice unique ability - you are going to be LEGENDARY !
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Summoner Spells

Ignite - Nice DoT ability that will make kill secure.
Exhaust - Verry usefull at all team fights.

Another options :
Heal - Saving you at early game. But not too much at late game.
Flash - Nice escaping ability.
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Thanks for all that have red this guide. I really sorry for bad english but it's not my language. Test the build before posting a comment, please. (The guide will be updated !)
Greetings, Bladestorm xD.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bladestorm xD
Bladestorm xD Dr. Mundo Guide
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Mr. Mundo Style !

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