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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by Charmin

MUNDOO - Just Play and OWN

MUNDOO - Just Play and OWN

Updated on February 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Charmin Build Guide By Charmin 2,137 Views 0 Comments
2,137 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Charmin Dr. Mundo Build Guide By Charmin Updated on February 4, 2012
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just own !!!

in my build i try to own with mundo's q skill !!! this doesnt mean that i try it, it means i do it and just kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and own....and still survive !!!
the build is made for solo top mundo.
u can easily kill squishy targets at lvl 2 !
with tanky targets just try to beat them down with ur q and then go finish them :D its just like messer ind butter!

in my opinion this build is very very strong, because u are just a fcking tank and run in ,slow them and kill them or let ur ad carrys lasthit them.

hes not good against lifesteal champs. like olaf or yorick, because u loose to much life and they get in this time too much back.

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Pros / Cons

- u beat them down very fast with your q
- u are very tanky and do lots of dmg too :D
- you can easily engage a fight and still survive
- at lvl 6 u can stay 24/7 top and keep farming
- ur e skill is very op cause u got 100% more ad untill lvl 6 as the enemie and just do more dmg.

- in beginning u are not that tanky
- if you dont land ur q u loose too much life without beating them down
- in teamfights u cant really focus with your q, BUT if your team owns, mundo will be so important to chase, if enemies are low and try to escape
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4,5 % health Quintessence: i took them, because u dont go from the beginning for full HP. Its very good, because u get with every lvl up more and more life and dont have to buy that much :D

my seals and glyphs are just there, that u are tanky against any solo top char :D

Magic pen. Marks : i took them, because ur q skill will just deal soooo much dmg. and in my build i want to own with it :D...if you think armor penetration is better you can try it out, but u deal with ur e skill enough ad dmg. if u got these magic pen. marks u just deal tons of dmg with ur q :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Charmin
Charmin Dr. Mundo Guide
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MUNDOO - Just Play and OWN

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