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Rakan Build Guide by Kontar04

Support My First Guide On Rakan

Support My First Guide On Rakan

Updated on May 4, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kontar04 Build Guide By Kontar04 765 Views 0 Comments
765 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kontar04 Rakan Build Guide By Kontar04 Updated on May 4, 2021
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Font of Life
Bone Plating


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Best Summoner's Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

My First Guide On Rakan

By Kontar04
The idea behind my guide
I'm gonna analyze the "why" of this guide from top to bottom as you see them in the website

Q:Where your playstyle focus on?
A:1)Being more than a R-W-E in teamfights
2)Can carry games

Q:Why 'Unflinching'?
A:Simple.You get CCed => you dead

Q:Why 1)'Transcendence' 2)'Waterwalking'?
A:1)Quick resets in teamfights make you usefull and carry
2)Teamfights take place mostly at river

Q:Why the 'Must' items in your build?
A:1)'Spellthief's Edge' to scale AP and Mana regeneration
2)First item-spike 'Staff of Flowing Water' for extra AP and AH
3)'Ionian Boots of Lucidity' for more AH
4)Second item-spike'Shurelya's Battlesong' for more MS and scales on AH

Q:Why all AP items for "TO CARRY THE TEAM" item section?
A:1)More AP=more heal,shield,passive and less damage for your team to do
2)More AH(that's what the build focus after all)

Q:No AH on the "HELPING A TEAMATE CARRY" item section?
A:1)Has 15 AH actually
2)The team carry a)one-shots so you don't have to press more than 2 buttons or b)has
sustain so you can play a engage ,play safe and go in after all abilities are up

Q:Why max Q first?
A:While not fighting is a good poke.Starting teamfight with more health than the
enemy(cause you poked him down)is a win.(right?)

Q:Why you champions who can cancel your W mid-air?
A:Are you really a Rakan main?

Q:Why should I trust you?
A:I really don't care.I'm Gold 4 after playing for 1 year. I have 140,000 pts on Rakan
right now.Don't really play some much ranked games tho.

Q:Are you inspired by something or someone?
A:Yes. That something is called 'Athene's Unholy Grail' or at least it was.RIP
The feeling of healing a ally half health with only 1 item just by doing R-W-Q-E
was the best. I miss it and I want it back. Nothing can replace it.That's the only
reason because I stopped playing Rakan in preseason till now when I came up with
this build.


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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kontar04
Kontar04 Rakan Guide
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