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Graves Build Guide by Patu

My gun is bigger than yours

My gun is bigger than yours

Updated on November 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Patu Build Guide By Patu 3 3 4,738 Views 6 Comments
3 3 4,738 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Patu Graves Build Guide By Patu Updated on November 21, 2011
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Graves, The Outlaw

Hello, since graves just came out and I'm bit new on the guide making feel free to comment and say things that i should add to my guide ! :)

Anyways first of all Graves allows player to do Tons Of Damage.I think graves is more like late game carry cause even if u do kinda do bad at the start u can still carry the game.
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Pros / Cons


+ High burst damage
+ Very good AD carry
+ good chasing and escaping abilities


- Close range
- Squishy early game
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Same normal AD carry masteries... Not sure if the greed is best option avaible in utility tree but i like it.
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Buckshot is good for farming and early game harrasing thats why u max it first.
Smoke Screen size For escaping and killing the enemies.
QuicDraw Greatly increases your dmg output cause of the AS it gives. You will be maxing it second.It's also good for escaping and ganking!
Collateral Damage Okay the ultimate now...First of all it might be litle weak at level 6 but when game goes on it will nuke the enemies hard and cause AOE it's very good in teamfights
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Summoner Spells

And are best so far what i have used but Is pretty nice too

You dont have mana problems.
Not needed.
Not sure about this but i have no use for it.
Let the support have this.
Depends realy if u have feeling they get loads of cc u might wanna take it but even if u dont there is always quicksilver sash.
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Try to get support with you to bot lane, Farm much as you can and try hit the q on enemy you can harras with the e too!
Cause of the cc and epic AD shield wich allows u to farm & harras the enemy epicly.
Good support cc,heals and dmg buff.
cc,heal, armor buff and debuff and damage buff from ultimate
Underestimated support, but with graves karma is epic support.
Haven't tried with her but i think she is fine too
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Attack damage marks give you great harrasing and farming early game

Armor seals are add for your passive

Cooldown glyphs not sure about those but they give you nice harrasing capability

Armor pen quintessence are just epic dmg add
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Patu
Patu Graves Guide
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My gun is bigger than yours

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