He can be beaten if you manage to bait his E in a fight but in general if he has PTA and a good cc support your pretty much in a hard lane
If you can avoid her pokes you can win easily because you can hook her when she uses E , but a good caitlyn can be a hard matchup
He either has to avoid his own Q's to try and dodge your hooks but his W is the main threat because mobility is your biggest enemy
A skilled vayne can be patient enough so its gonna be tough to bait her Q , if you all in and miss everything your dead.
Miss Fortune
She has very high bursts if she gets collector you're gonna have a hard time but she is easy to kill if you manage to hit E.
No support No sums easy target you hit E he's dead
Has mobility and burst , can be an easy lane if you manage to hit everything , the only thing you need to watch out for is her passive burst
She's pretty much an easy lane to win but if she gets items you can't kill her quickly because of mobility
she uses W free gold , you can chase her down with you W
If she uses PTA you get poked till you have no hp left , she gets a bomb on you she can run you down with eaze
I mean he just uses E in a bad way you can kill him instantly
Slows.....Annoying but you can burst her down just as long as you can avoid her W and R
The fact that she moves while autoing she's pretty much dead when you manage to tap Q her but be careful she can be a threat
4th shot and mobility , try to kill him if he is either running away or unaware of your position
She presses W you're dead , you don't hit anything you're dead , She gets items you're dead. Easy to burst but hard to kill
He gets a good adc , its gonna be a tough lane to get through him
He uses aftershock you can beat him , He uses phase rush its gonna be a rough lane
If he misses his abilities he's dead
Fiddle support is okay but if he has a burst adc you're dead when he fears but if you have aftershock snowball lane instantly.
For jungle if you manage to get duskblade very early you can just perma counter jungle him till he has no late game.
Hard to kill and her W counters your E be cautious and hook her into your team and she's dead
If he uses E he's dead but his burst can be a threat to you.
She has burst/cc be careful if you get to her she's dead
She's dead when her flash is on cooldown you hit Q easy lane
Time her bubble , you get to her she can quickly die but be careful of her sustain
He can burst you down and can also block 9999 true damage from your ultimate if he uses E
If you have defensive runes might be a decent winnable lane , but can be very hard when paired with a mobility imparing adc
Mobility is a big threat , but if you manage to get to her kill immediately
You can rush Serpents fang , but of course Mobility can be hard to face against
I mean 1 spell shield can kill you and you get snared for 40 years and die
Her spell shield can bring pain to you but if you bait her abilites she's dead
Very high CC type champion but very squishy when you have your items
Easy to kill adc , but very hard to get close if he has a heavy cc support.
for jungle its easy in the early game but late game is very hard to kill him
If you just manage to kill her adc she's dead anyways , but try to counter her healing so you won't have a hard time
Heavy CC/Very Tanky try to get her behind in the early game , she gets items things will get harder from there
With lethality you can pretty much kill him , but don't be to confident if he can time his E when you dash away you can die.
Um you stun him he's dead , but don't get cocky a good support can get you killed.
If you get targeted by this guy you're gonna have a hard time repositioning so you need your teams damage to get him into R execute range
He misses R he's dead but his burst is pretty decent to chunk your health kill with caution
If she has a good adc its gonna be a rough lane but good thing is her barrier is nothing to your ultimate all you have to do is try to burst immediately
She' mobile but not strong easy target to kill but her damage can be annoying
Long range / Heavy burst but if she misses everything she's dead
his C4 can counter your E and his Q and AA can chunk your health easily but if he manages to make a mistakes he's dead
Race of who gets to cast first
Presses R you're dead but you need to burst him quickly
If he manages to get stunned he dies but be careful when he has full stacks his empowered W will help run you down
Easy lane to win if she takes W you can E through tower you need to time things to win easily but the huge threat in this scenario is her W
If she doesn't have R or E you can burst her easily
Her burst can 2 shot you , but if you manage to bait her W and R(copy of W) you can burst her easily
She can be bursted easily but you can die to her combo or if every mage has zhonyas
Aurelion Sol
If he misses Q he's dead
Miasma is your biggest threat you can burst her down if you manage to dodge her abilities
If you time her Spell immune she's dead but only kill her when you have anti heal or ignite because its hard to hit abilities with her Q
He gets items his damage can kill you in 3 hits but easy target to kill as long as he uses W
If he uses his Q and E in a bad way you can burst him down
A fed gangplank can 1 shot you with barrel and his W counters your E kill with caution
If she ults you try to hook her out in her own ultimate you can escape easily
Mobility and Burst hard to kill time all of his abilities before you go in
Very hard to kill and has lots of sustain build early anti heal and always track where he is in the map
With items hard to kill , without items easy target
A good bard can make the lane harder but in general you can win easily just time his stun he gets hit he's dead
With daisy hard to kill , but you can burst him easily
She's fast but if you manage to hit your abilities she can die easily
Low hp team ? Wait for her R and NEVER let her hit level 16 because she will decimate your team
She gets fed early games over , she builds zhonya games over
You can just dash through her wall and time her Q but be careful her E can do heavy damage time pefectly and this chicken is dead
Easy to kill without E , but you can die easily so try to burst him immediately so he wouldn't be a problem
High mobility and burst wait for his ult before you go in
High burst but can be killed easily when he misses
if you manage to avoid her cocoon and her spider form E you can burst her easily
High mobility and burst but she has good resistance so be very cautious when facing her , you can kill her early game it gets harder in late game
His turrets can block your hooks and its hard to get close to him without taking damage from his mini turrets
Can be killed if you time his W for the tenacity but he gets armor its gonna be hard to kill him
E is hard to counter since your damage relies on 3 hail of blade procs if you time it right he's an easy target
Early game you can deny his scaling but if he scales your dead
Dr. Mundo
Anti heal does the job , but try to damage test if your lethality damage can keep up with his armor
Scary late game champion but can be killed easily with an all in
a good kennen can make the game hard specially after he builds zhonyas goal to with him is try to hook him away from your team
you can escape his attack range vicinity because he is immobile but if he gets the E timing on your dash you still have a chance to escape with Q
Her healing/mobility do i even have to explain?
She is an easy target early game but try to get her behind as much as possible because its gonna be a challenge to kill late game.
Just don't let him Mega Gnar and all is good his mini form can be easily be killed like a typical adc
Eclipse makes it harder , but if he doesn't build edge of night you can burst him easily
Jarvan IV
if he ults you just pull him out of his ultimate you can escape easily but be careful his CC /burst can kill you
Just pull her out of her R or time it so you can ult , but if you miss your abilities you can die
Quinn has heavy burst and the blind can be very annoying her E can cancel your E animation kill with caution
Hard to kill because of skaarl and his Q counters your passive healing kill with caution
Lee Sin
Has decent burst but you can avoid him easily. If he uses Q on you , you can E in your team to cc and kill him
Her R can be used to kill you instantly she has decent burst to take your entire HP bar kill with caution because you can burst her down with ease
His hard CC are dependent on an adc so if he's alone you can kill him easily with your adc
A late game nasus can be hard to kill but in the early game you can deny his farm
2 things will happen either if he ults you in a long range you can avoid him easily but if he ults you up close try to kite him
Easy to burst just as long as she panic use her silence you can follow up easily
Easy to burst he is very immobile but be careful his damage can kill you
Tank malphite is just as deadly as the AP one try to bait his ultimate before engaging
His R can destroy you but the new qss item for assassin can help you can burst him down with ease
Depends on what form he uses if he uses shadow assassin its a race of who gets killed first darkin kayn is a bit of a challenge to kill but without W you can kill him easily
Hard CC but can be killed easily at early to mid game if he manages to get items you can get anti heal and you can kill him
time his knock up he dies and for your Q always go for the adc because he will always E his carry
As long as you don't get knocked up your good can be killed easily
Master Yi
Can be killed easily if he used alpha strike.
she misses you can kill her , but be careful always take the time to see if your fighting his teammate or her
High burst with night harvester avoid her spear as much as possible she can be killed easily
He miss uses his W you can kill him easily
You can dodge his W easily , and if he times his W with your ult you can pretty much kill him(Pyke R ignores shields)
AD support shaco is the big threat in bot lane if he gets items he can kill you easily AP support shaco can easily be denied his damage output relies on W box , E and R you can sustain AP damage but not AD ones
Very tanky / heavy burst if he doesn't build armor you can battle his damage just as long as you hit your abililties
Nunu & Willump
Tanky but the only threat is his ultimate , and snowball try to deny his ultimate so your team can kill him
You can just kite him until he uses ult DO NOT let him AA you
Her burst can kill you instantly but can be killed easily if she manages to miss
Avoid his W/R you can tank his Q/E hard to kill with resistances but try to test your damage if it goes through
His taunt can be oppressing but you can hook him out of his W so your damage doesn't get mitigated
High sustain / Barrier , Hard to kill when she's ahead try to deny her scaling if possible
As long as you don't get hit by W you can turn on him easily W out if he out damages you
If you time his blind you can kill him easily
You can cancel his Q with your Q and E not a threat when he doesn't have items. if this is a lethality sion avoid that Q at all costs
If he builds Liandrys Anguish your hp is gone you can even die to his ultimate at full health if he doesn't have zhonyas kill immediately
If he flings you just angle your E to him and hook him to your team but don't panic because if he gets the timing right your dead
If your the one he gets to R its a 50-50 if their team doesn't have enough damage you live but if they do your dead , QSS is the way and he can be killed easily without crystals
Heavy CC and Very tanky kill with caution test your damage before going in
In the laning phase he's immobile without his E can be killed easily but be mindful of his cooldowns
High CC and Very tanky , you can counter this by going a defensive time his FLAY and you can kill him with adc
If the sylas isn't fed deny his scaling if the sylas is fed try to chunk his health before going in your ult is his great asset
Very tanky and deals decent damage , hard to kill in late game because of resistances try to protect your adc from him
You can deny his scaling because he is weak in the early game , but be careful when he scales his damage can burst you instantly
Q and R your dead , if she always targets you go for maw of malmortus and GA and try to Prioritize her in team fights
Very tanky , escape and try to heal all his damage and if your low watch out for his ultimate at the early stage of the game you can kill him easily
If he uses POOL you can burst him easily always watch out for his ultimate
Twisted Fate
Immobile very easy to win against but be careful he gets ever frost or ludens echo he can deal damage to you
You can try to chunk down his health if possible his sustain and damage in unmatched if he gets items at early stage of the game try to deny his scaling
Just dodge his abilities and you can kill him easily
Xin Zhao
His burst potential with the new items is very oppressing , try to deal damage as much as possible because he will one shot you if he gets on you
Can be killed easily you can dodge her abilities and you can stay safe when he ults you
Poke him until he is low enough to be killed , but if he gets shield bow its gonna be a harder fight from there
Probably the easy one to kill just time his E and Q you can burst him while he is in E and just R his shadow when he goes back
Just don't get hit by his mist so you don't get to deal with his zombies
Hard CC/ Very tanky , you can cancel his jump with Q or E time it properly and you can kill him
If he R's you wait for him to show up and E+W out if you have exhaust you can turn on him but if you don't try not to fight him
His R is a holy grail to any carry hard lane to win with his E but can be easily one if timed properly
You get bubbled your dead , you can kill her if she panics or in general if you get close you can kill her easily
Mirror matchup ? wait for him to use E then you can go in
all it takes is timing and who's the better player
Good Burst potential and you can win lane if you manage to hit everything
With your Q and E she can follow up quickly and she has good damage to help you Execute with R better
Good synergy but you can fall off when they build armor
He has decent damage but the problem is you can't protect him without dying
Has no early game potential not until he gets his items but pretty good overall
She has long range so she can chunk enemy bot lanes health to help you snowball
A good jinx can help you snowball but a novice one is gonna be a challenge
Slows can help you hit Q/E/R better
Has great damage very good laning partner but hard to protect with heavy cc supports or assassins
As long as he can kite you can snowball easily he can melt targets but you need to protect him at all costs
Miss Fortune
Slows and heavy burst can let you snowball easily
Very strong burst/mobility can really bring the damage to help you snowball but be careful a not experienced one can be hard to lane with
Has mobility and big damage with 4th shot can be a strong lane but can be outclassed by onhit adc's
Pretty decent if she binds you with her passive you can win lane easily and her AA can help her follow up
She gets 1 item you can snowball and you don't have to worry about her because she has spell shield
She can be strong but she needs to stack feathers to be able to help you fight but winnable with her nonetheless
Good follow up and damage she can be the best adc to help split push and farm
He has good damage and mobility if you manage to cc the target you can kill with eaze
His R speaks for itself and he has strong damage with items you might have a bad early game but you can win
Hard to protect but gets good damage outputs you can snowball with him
If the senna is good you have sustain in lane with her you can snowball if she manages to get her item
Snare + Your E good combo to kill and he's tanky so you can dive
Diving with ultimate is the easy part His Q ang your E/R but your problem is going to be ranged matchups
Good Burst potential and you can win lane if you manage to hit everything
With your Q and E she can follow up quickly and she has good damage to help you Execute with R better
Good synergy but you can fall off when they build armor
He has decent damage but the problem is you can't protect him without dying
Has no early game potential not until he gets his items but pretty good overall
She has long range so she can chunk enemy bot lanes health to help you snowball
A good jinx can help you snowball but a novice one is gonna be a challenge
Slows can help you hit Q/E/R better
Has great damage very good laning partner but hard to protect with heavy cc supports or assassins
As long as he can kite you can snowball easily he can melt targets but you need to protect him at all costs
Miss Fortune
Slows and heavy burst can let you snowball easily
Very strong burst/mobility can really bring the damage to help you snowball but be careful a not experienced one can be hard to lane with
Has mobility and big damage with 4th shot can be a strong lane but can be outclassed by onhit adc's
Pretty decent if she binds you with her passive you can win lane easily and her AA can help her follow up
She gets 1 item you can snowball and you don't have to worry about her because she has spell shield
She can be strong but she needs to stack feathers to be able to help you fight but winnable with her nonetheless
Good follow up and damage she can be the best adc to help split push and farm
He has good damage and mobility if you manage to cc the target you can kill with eaze
His R speaks for itself and he has strong damage with items you might have a bad early game but you can win
Hard to protect but gets good damage outputs you can snowball with him
If the senna is good you have sustain in lane with her you can snowball if she manages to get her item
Snare + Your E good combo to kill and he's tanky so you can dive
Diving with ultimate is the easy part His Q ang your E/R but your problem is going to be ranged matchups
Pros - Good Burst - Mobile - Good Sutstain - Heavy CC
Cons - Very Squishy - Outclassed by other supports - High Cooldowns - Team Dependent
Pyke Support Indepth
Starting off the game with level 1 always speculate if your adc is aggressive or not so this will be your ticket to snowball fast as always check if enemy will back off when you go closer to them and zone them from the minion wave therefore enemy adc and support will lose gold if you're ahead enough you can zone them completely from xp and gold if they walk up its where you and your adc will always engage
As pre laning phase always dive at level 2 so the way if the enemy is oblivious to what you're doing is walk closer once 2nd wave hits kill the 3 melee minions to be able to get level 2 immediately thats where you hit your abilities and kill a target. when you're facing champs that have flash or dash time and prioritize them
Buy umbral glaive if you're behind or if ahead you can op for a mythic item or axiom arc always prio builds to counter the enemy support even if you're behind like for example karma or any enchanter that has barrier you will always rush serpents fang because you will lose the lane if they manage to get moonstone
How to Counter Pyke?
Use a champion that can FULLY use the power of PRESS THE ATTACK and use mobility/heavy cc champions
Why mobility champions ? because pyke's hook as a 0.1 cast time where he stops and throws his hook with mobility you can avoid it easily almost all of his abilities
What if he uses aftershock in a heavy cc matchup? if his adc is immobile always go for the adc because he can't do anything without his damage dealer but be careful he still deals a decent amount of damage
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