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Gangplank Build Guide by Technique

Never Pull Out

Never Pull Out

Updated on July 26, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Technique Build Guide By Technique 2,533 Views 0 Comments
2,533 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Technique Gangplank Build Guide By Technique Updated on July 26, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity



Introduction?..... Haters will always Hate hands down. So Eff them one shot to the head and they wont be saying anything after that. Gangplank is a Crit Master. If you see an Ashe, Annivia, or another squishy champion then you should get excited.... ill let you find out why. People will hate on your ult as well.... like i said LET THEM HATE. Drop bombs that slow and kill anywhere on the map. Drop them on Team fights and watch the KB/Assists stack up. Dont forget.. if you get stunned, feared, or rooted at any point.... REMOVE SCURVY is all you need. The heal is nice but the cool down sucks... so use it when you need it or when your safe.
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Summoner Spells

Personaly i use Flash and Clarity
Flash allows me to escape ganks as well as use it offensively as well.
Remember Flash isn't just for jumping away. Its great for Flashing into a tower just to get that Parrrley off for the KB then just walking out like nothing happened.
Clarity lets me Parrrley minions and other champions as well without having to worry about my mana if something happens.
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You don't need to get your Brawler's Gloves first or rush Infinity Edge. Get the Sapphire Crystal and some health pots. You can lane all day and harass just fine with your build. And with Clarity you can stay in lane and farm longer. Doing so allows you to farm gold and keep you and your partner with mana just encase you get in a sticky spot.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Technique
Technique Gangplank Guide
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Never Pull Out

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