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Kindred Build Guide by doctorgami

Jungle new kindred build by silver/gold player

Jungle new kindred build by silver/gold player

Updated on July 3, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author doctorgami Build Guide By doctorgami 8,913 Views 9 Comments
8,913 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author doctorgami Kindred Build Guide By doctorgami Updated on July 3, 2023
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Runes: basically one shot

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Sudden Impact
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

new kindred build by silver/gold player

By doctorgami
what u wana know me

since i got no clue and first time doing a guide i apology for this poor quality guide in advance i hope i can teatch u as mutch as possible. am a silver player due to my lack in time and having lote of exams i couldn t climb to gold but am close. anyway what lane i play i usually select autofile in ranked so yeah i play all lanes but top lane is a bit harder for me than others. i focuss on playing hight difficulty champions like azir kindred twisted fate. why not because to show my skills just because they are highly rewarding and fun curently am maining azir


i tell u i am not a true professionel kindred players sooo the basics are her q make u jump throught walls a jump with 3 arrows to random tagets witch are not allies or objects giving bonus attack speed. her w do a lote of dmg and heal u after charging by running and then throwing a arrow at a target and E well it slow scaling slow with ap and mark target after 3 hit target receive dmg depending on max hp.
her ult create area make peoples in area enemy+ ally invincible when low hp -40% hp and heal u when duration done. don t heal if u below 10% hp ur ult apply on drakes keep that in mind
and ur passive witch is most important in kindred mark a camp in jungle and allow u to mark 1 enemy in map if it s killed the mark is consumed giving u one mark it stack infinitly and what stacking does is it scale with ur q w and e damage yh the more stack u get the more damage u do except for q it give more attack speed

tips ur w reduce ur q couldown in area of the wolf do ur w befor q soo that wolf slow enemy when hit them and reduce ur couldown when chasing. mark enemy 5 sec befor kill them soo that that the mark count or it don t u can mark with shift +f1 or f2 etc untill f5 u get it eatch represent an enemy respectively f1= enemy 1 etc soo if u enter fight the bar of enemy u select is gone but u can still select with this tip. and when u gank close distance with q and slow with E . for ult tip use ur ally to push enemy out of ur ult.
there is two rune but same build right yh the runes are the most important the build order is also soo let me get things straight if u go for one shot runes usually go eclips first if u go for anti tank go blade ruined king first. then continue with eclips or blade runed king depending ur first choice. i still preferr the attack speed build cause mostly it go well with the rune and the q ability
if u want extra damage buy essence reaver but i never but it soo
play in game
early like any jungler focuss on feeding ur self by ganking consuming marks and getting drakes kindred is late game champs don t miss up early game ok?
start blue or red whatever i start with usually red the tip is to hit all camps monsters with auto to mark them with burn fire from red and move a lote to heal a lote don t engage in 1vs 1 early game it s bad. buy boots early game start attack speed boots then to into eclipse or blade runed king if u go blade runed king go for first item attack speed. quick tip when u q and put ur mouse where kindred is it will jump in same spot she is. idk why i say this but u can use it for some quick dmg with less mobility anyway try always full clear cause u late game champ go 3 camps then gank only if enemy are very very far from tower and very not carrfull
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League of Legends Build Guide Author doctorgami
doctorgami Kindred Guide
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new kindred build by silver/gold player

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