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Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
The Introduction
I am The one and only, magnificent BlackFlameNova, and I will be making my very first guide for one of my favorite champions,

Nocturne is a great champion, not only does he have strong late game ganks due to his amazing abilities, but early game his harass also really helps out keeping your enemies at bay.
Lets get on with the guide.
The best part about LoL, masteries to start off more powerful early game.
Nocturne I like to go 24 in Offense and 6 in Defense. Again we are looking for damage output with some defense.

Time for items, you may not agree with my purchases, but thats ok it's a build i love and if you pull it off, will make you unstoppable.
You don't need the second
Bloodthirster but, i think it works well if you can get it. I know this build is extremely costly, so if you dont want to go into another
Bloodthirster then go for a
Black Cleaver or
Ionic Spark instead.
Item Sequence


Health Potion

Berserker's Greaves

Wriggle's Lantern

Phantom Dancer


Phantom Dancer

Infinity Edge


Madred's Bloodrazor
You don't need the second

For skills always start with your "Q" and max it first, second to level and max would be your "w" for its passive of increased attack speed. The level tree i go for is.
Umbra Blades: Nocturnes passive lets him atack all enemies aorund him after a few seconds, gaining life for each target he hits.
Duskbringer: Nocturnes "Q" fires a shadow claw in a straight line hitting everything in its path. Enemy champions hit by this attack leave a shadow trail behind them. While on the trail, Nocturne gaines movement speed.
Shroud of Darkness: Nocturne passiveley gains attack speed. Uppon activation, Nocturne gains a shield that blocks the next incoming enemy ability. If Nocturne does block an ability, he gains bonus attack speed for short time.
Unspeakable Horror: Nocturne damages enemy champion over 2 seconds. If enemy remains in range of Nocturne, the target is feared.
Paranoia: Nocturne reduces the sight of all enemy champions and removes their shared vision for 4 seconds. Nocturne can re-activate to target an enemy champion and launch himself at enemy champion, dealing damage.
Overall, Nocturne is a great solo-top, jungle, AD carry having many great abilities to help out your teamates by assassinating high priority targets.
So thats the my first guide, i know its terrible right? Anyways i hope some of you try out the build to see what can happen when you get it going , i've had to solo-top against
Kha'Zix before and i was doing amazing, almost finishing the build had they not surrendered. So thanks and hope you guys enjoyed it!
P.S. Thanks and a shout-out to Jhoi Jhoi for the tips and tricks in making a guide!
So thats the my first guide, i know its terrible right? Anyways i hope some of you try out the build to see what can happen when you get it going , i've had to solo-top against

P.S. Thanks and a shout-out to Jhoi Jhoi for the tips and tricks in making a guide!
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