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Jayce Build Guide by Areon19

AD Offtank Off tank for the kill

AD Offtank Off tank for the kill

Updated on September 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Areon19 Build Guide By Areon19 1,610 Views 0 Comments
1,610 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Areon19 Jayce Build Guide By Areon19 Updated on September 20, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Jayce
  • LoL Champion: Jayce

Build one & 2

This Jayce is a bruiser he will become really hard for an adc to take down because of his aggression and ability to take a beating. Fire shock blast through your acceleration gate to lead, followed by to the skies, then run in front of enemy while they are slowed smashing them towards your turret after doing so switch into ranged mode and fire a shock blast. Congrats you just got a kill.
For the second build don't be as aggressive you wont have as much health but you'll do way more damage a lot faster.
I prefer build one because of it's tankiness it allows Jayce to escape very easily when need be. And allows him to take on more than one person at a time but wont kill very fast giving the rest of their team time to show up.
Build 2 doesn't have the tankiness but can kill 1v1 very easily with no worries of gank because of his shear speed of killing.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Areon19
Areon19 Jayce Guide
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