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Gragas Build Guide by The Trundle BEAST

Jungle One Gragas army: 5k HP, 500 AP, 50% CDR, 10 passives build

Jungle One Gragas army: 5k HP, 500 AP, 50% CDR, 10 passives build

Updated on January 2, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Trundle BEAST Build Guide By The Trundle BEAST 2,965 Views 0 Comments
2,965 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Trundle BEAST Gragas Build Guide By The Trundle BEAST Updated on January 2, 2025
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Fleet Footwork
Legend: Haste
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

One Gragas army: 5k HP, 500 AP, 50% CDR, 10 passives build

By The Trundle BEAST
This build is good at all stage of the game, bringing tankiness, damage and cc. Fleet footwork is actually so useful. Not only it keeps you even more always full HP in the jungle, it also helps clear faster by moving fast between camps. It also saves your life and allows to stick to opponent during fights, not mentioning the decent heal. ROA passive healing is also substantial on Gragas spamming all spells every 3 seconds with 50% cdr. I prefer Seraph over Fimbulwinter because of the 25 ability haste and bigger shield that procs in better timing, and the 100 AP helps clear and do damage. Cosmic brings more mobility and ap and ah, best item for gragas. Riftmaker also gives hp ap ah, and fantastic passives. Heartsteel is to increase survivability late game, since you have permanent 40% damage reduction from w, hp is more valuable than resistances. Rabadon is the other option but I prefer heartsteel, personally.

Start with ROA asap (with 300 gold boots). It may seem like not much, but ROA is pretty cheap and gives you an additional Gragas passive (heal on casting spells), some damage, some tankiness. It is not weak by any mean. Especially with the 33 Ability Haste in the runes.

After ROA, upgrade boots to sorcerer (or ionan or other, if you prefer), and get your tear. Then, buy toward Cosmic Drive. When you have 2 items (ROA and Cosmic Drive), you're alread very strong - 1000 bonus HP, 60 Ability haste, MS bonus from cosmic and fleet, Sustain from fleet, Gragas passive, ROA. You also have 250 AP and 12 magic pen. Just 2 items and you're already OP. And it only gets better from there.

After Cosmic, finish your Seraph Embrace. This adds 100 AP, and 25 AH, and the passive shield (on top of infinite mana). You now have almost 400 AP a 80 Ability Haste, on top of 1000 HP, 500 HP shield, tons of damage and very low cooldown, tons of sustain and MS...

Now go for Riftmaker. At this stage, you should be 2 or 3 levels above enemy jungler, thanks to ROA bonus level and your super fast clear and your OP teamfight and 1v1 ability. Now with Riftmaker, you enhance even more your HP, AP, AH and sustain. You're an absolute beast.

Last item is situational, I prefer Hearsteel, but if enemy team has a lot of %health damage, get magic resist or armor instead, depending. If you need damage, go Rabadon. But no matter what, you can EASY 1v3. If enemy is a bit low health of used many spells, you can even potentially 1v5. No matter what, you're a single man army.

But it is rare to get 5 items in a game... However, even with 2 items, you're already powerful. Try this build and runes. You'll feel completely OP and will climb in no time.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Trundle BEAST
The Trundle BEAST Gragas Guide
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