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Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
laning phase
Combo: E,W,R or E,ignite,w,R
make sure to last hit because splash dmg on ap trist is oped.
when you go in as trist make sure you have an escape summoner up.
or ur jump.
make sure u always grab mid. shoot e every time your enemy pots
play aggressively.
lane with stunners (every jump and e-shot counts)(pantheon)
dont play trist if u cant last hit
make sure u seem like ur farming wwhen ur about to jump
kill as much raves as u can starting at lvl 6
aggresiveness is the key to ap trist
as e comes of cooldown use it
E is your main source of power.
dont play trist if u cant last hit
make sure u seem like ur farming wwhen ur about to jump
kill as much raves as u can starting at lvl 6
aggresiveness is the key to ap trist
as e comes of cooldown use it
E is your main source of power.
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