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Orianna Build Guide by iricol



Updated on July 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iricol Build Guide By iricol 2,594 Views 2 Comments
2,594 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author iricol Orianna Build Guide By iricol Updated on July 16, 2011
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This is my first time using this mobafire trying to help other players with builds so if u guys have any suggestions to what you would like to see more of leave a comment below and I will get back to it as soon as possible. If u guys have any question or want to play LoL to see how my build works in a game just add iricol to ur friends list and I will be happy to show u guys what this build can do.
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Ori - CD reduction

At the start I would go CD reduction so I can move around the ball at a faster speed and cast my skills one after another. Once you get the 2 nashors I can hit q,w,e,q,e if at low health I would then pop q,r,w,e,q. I have been undefeated with this build so if u guys want to try it go for it and i wish u the best of luck and let me know how it works out for u guys. GL and have fun. Best game so far i had with her was 12,4,24. I got alot of my kills ks but w/e i still had the most and put a lot of pressure on the other team.
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For the runes I go for a lil bit of CD reduction but not to much of it and then I added some mana regen, mana, ability power.
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Team Work

Now Ori is basically more of a support character she moves her ball around and all of her skills go off of her ball. The ball can hit, slow, bring targets back to the ball as well as shield ur team mates. Now with this build I can mid or top or bot. But when it comes teams I will be sitting back behind the minions my range with the ball is enough for me to hit the opponents and enough for me to stay back if they charge or to save a teammate by throwing him a shield with a slow so he or she doesnt die. I try to do as much damage with the ball as well as using my normal attack on the minions so basicly I am a hardcore pusher. They have to avoid my ball that keep moving constantly while i am destroying all their minions with my attackspeed. I hope this helps out in a way for using ori in a team battle.
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iricol Orianna Guide
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