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Orianna Build Guide by Zarcooo

Orianna FTW :)

Orianna FTW :)

Updated on September 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zarcooo Build Guide By Zarcooo 1,918 Views 0 Comments
1,918 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zarcooo Orianna Build Guide By Zarcooo Updated on September 4, 2012
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hi my name is Th3Chosen.. played mid AP carry,Support

Orianna provides a team with a high-damage and high-utility caster. She has high mobility, strong crowd control, and can deal large amounts of magic damage with the help of her ball. She was once considered the most powerful champion in the game due to her very well-rounded toolkit, but after recent balance changes, Orianna finds herself more in line with other casters. All of Orianna’s spells revolve around the use of her ball, which gives her a very active playstyle while maintaining distance from her opponents.
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Pros / Cons


Strong harrass
Lots of AoE
Strong AoE CC
AoE speed buff
Ball can gain vision of an area
Mana regen FAST
Cast Skill FAST
A Slow
A Shield


Most abilities are skill shots
Hard to land good ultimate
CDR Dependent
Requires Practice
Requires Farm
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zarcooo
Zarcooo Orianna Guide
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Orianna FTW :)

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