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Orianna Build Guide by Flynnftw

Orianna: ♠The Iron Maiden♠ SOLOMID Lane sustain!

Orianna: ♠The Iron Maiden♠ SOLOMID Lane sustain!

Updated on August 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Flynnftw Build Guide By Flynnftw 2,328 Views 0 Comments
2,328 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Flynnftw Orianna Build Guide By Flynnftw Updated on August 29, 2012
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Lane Sustain explained.

This build is very common late game but boosts a lot of mana to the summoner in the first few levels. If you keep Orianna on her toes and do NOT toss her ball without hitting the enemy with Command: Dissonance this build will allow you to hold whatever lane you are on for a considerably long period of time. I always use this build and can average not needing to recall untill level 8. Most players will be thinking "Why clarity and not ignite?" Well as flat AP with Orianna the early hits are so incredibly damaging that if the other enemy isn't completely feeding me then the creeps are. Zoning with this build is incredibly easy and lets me hog all the minions to myself. In any game if I don't come out with a huge number of kills then you can bet you will see a couple hundred CS.

Also note that the Void Staff and Lich Bane are usually not always a given. Pending on the enemies and threat of focus I will differ between those two, Zhonya's Hourglass, Abyssal Scepter, or if there is little threat to me and I am fed I will build Rabadon's Deathcap.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Flynnftw
Flynnftw Orianna Guide
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