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Orianna Build Guide by FightingPanda

Orianna- The robotic Nightmare( )))))))

Orianna- The robotic Nightmare( )))))))

Updated on July 10, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FightingPanda Build Guide By FightingPanda 1,973 Views 0 Comments
1,973 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FightingPanda Orianna Build Guide By FightingPanda Updated on July 10, 2011
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This is a real survivable and DPS build maxing AP and health. So you can do a lot damage and stay longer in the fight, so that you DO more damage and stay alive
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Pros / Cons

A LOT of damage and health.
God for taking out scary Dpses like Nidlee and Kenen.
Great for solo laneing anda good support for Team laneing
your auto atk del 436 dmg whit clock work windup
Awesome when farming
easy to play
Nice against all characters whit the high dps and health
Awesome Harasser
Awesome range
Awesome assassin when in bushes.

Low health in the start of the game and fb
Easy target to lv 4-5
got low mana
low armor and magic resist
against Xin Zhao or other AD atk kinda low chance of surviving
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Mejia: If you did get first or second blood try buy mejia befor boots ´couse that will max your AP right away. But if if you and your team mates lost the first and second blood its better to buy a (Hextech revolver >> Will of the ancients). But first boots like in my Guide
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Tip when using spells

[*]SS: Start whit the Com: Attack Abit behind the Enemy then use Com: protect and damage them all the time whit clockwork windup so the stacks always are up then use Com: Disonance to slow the target then use Shockwawe to stun and deal massiv damage!!!!

Fb: Keep behind your team mates until lv 2 Becouse of your low health, because you did NOT buy a dorans!!
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Summoner Spells

One combination is flash and Ghost. Or Flash and exhaust... No other combination i can think of.
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Harass only whit Com: Atk the on half or so of the enemys hp use dic to slow sockwawe to stun and Com: Atk to finish the kill!
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Its easy to farm using Q,W and E all of them are AoE.

try using Com: atk, Com: Dic Com: Def in that order and farming is a piece of a cake!!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FightingPanda
FightingPanda Orianna Guide
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Orianna- The robotic Nightmare( )))))))

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