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Ornn Build Guide by pontonmechanico

Middle ornn toplane? heck no. ornn midlane ap player? yes :>

Middle ornn toplane? heck no. ornn midlane ap player? yes :>

Updated on November 18, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pontonmechanico Build Guide By pontonmechanico 10 9 65,731 Views 0 Comments
10 9 65,731 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pontonmechanico Ornn Build Guide By pontonmechanico Updated on November 18, 2017
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Summon Aery
The Ultimate Hat
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Cheap Shot
Ravenous Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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hey peeps (people :>)
i am the infamous ponton mechanico and i main blitz/ap ornn/ap malphite/ap nunu for a living! i am currently silver 2 and i have playing all these championes since realese and s2 and i have the skin box and silver kayle to be honest
20 year old in gotenborg sweden and i go went to tech shcool in nti gymnasium but now i drive truck at the volvo corporation of sweden.
this is me friendly, nice, careing and a hella of a guy LOL :>

so today im making this guide because there is people out there that dont know about this build/playstyle of ornn, because not many people can play the playstyle.
this is a very daring opinion but here goes nothing

the drake (=sol) < ap ornn

its a very talked about object and many expert say to diffrent opinions. here i will tell you why.

this is mne when going to a wedding of my cousin so you know who i am :> please email pics of you guys to

thanks alots for listening to my guide today!
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ok guys this is essential for the build/playstyle to work PLS read this entire page so you learn.
ok so the items dont need no build order but you NEED THESE items for the ornn to work properly.
ok so with my algirotyhm (maths) i have seen that this exact items max out the damage of you w (bellow breath) and with it it is the best way to deal damage.
i have trolled a little with the ability pick order (hehe) but i really want you to know what you need to max most and why? because its the most ap damage in the spells of ornn.

when you have all of these items and you are level 18 you do max damage you can but you have ok damage while building aswell.
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you need to q target then e on him and then w and hit one time and boom alot of damage please follow this order

aight, so orrny is a skill champ in legends.
u need to hit every w so u and ur team can get kill, very important in lane phase is creep killing but after you need to kill them so they get a long kill timer and then you can push bottom/top/mid whatever is best and when the spawn you get the baron and then try to teamfight cause then you have advantage in the fight and hopefully win it.
so to hit ur w u need to check for your team cause when you go in you need to teamfight

u need to buy 2 wards for ganks and check not u get ganked. combo is like this-->

q-e-w-r and then they should be dead, hopefully lol :>
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Pros / Cons

ok so

pros: alot of damage ap
can build in lane
can build overpowered items :>

cons: not alot of damage
squisy with this build
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ok use q and w for max creep kills in lane and after lane so you get itesm quicker :>
very important to farm well for later so practice in sandbox mode on lol go to play->training->practicetool and then you just try it out.
check out a turtorial on vimeo or youtube for information on the practice tool if you dont know how to work with it.
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okay guys so this is the end of this guide i hope ya'll get to really play the ornn midline :> and play with this build and you get to be unstoppabel and if you feel like playing a game or two add TheLastShadowz on euw. i have a ebay page where i sell celebrity pictures for the lowest price on the market so please check me out there and donate and stay safe on the rift guys!

/with nice greetings eric nicholasson aka TheLastShadowz aka Bulldog aka Getingen
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pontonmechanico
pontonmechanico Ornn Guide
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ornn toplane? heck no. ornn midlane ap player? yes :>

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