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Orianna Build Guide by HeavyFist



Updated on July 4, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HeavyFist Build Guide By HeavyFist 5,045 Views 4 Comments
5,045 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HeavyFist Orianna Build Guide By HeavyFist Updated on July 4, 2011
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With this build you make so awesome dmg and healing yourselfe and with lich bane you do at tower and inhibitors about 700 dmg^^
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i take mana-reg and clarity in the masterys for better laning
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1st i take morello's cause better laning with the mana-reg and then Will of Ancients for more better laning cause healing yourselfe when you take your Q and W and killing 3 or more minions.
Rylai's crystal Scepter for more HP and slowing then enemys.And at the end lich ban for awesome NORMAL attack dmg and great pushing and doing dmg while cd od skills
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Skill Sequence

Normal using of Q for placing the ball and w for doing aoe-dmg.I go normally before tank goes in fight and take this combination for doing all enemys dmg and in the team fight i take my Q then the ulti(R) and then W OR you can use your e for taking the ball placed at the tank(giving him a shield and he take the enemys) so you don't need to aim with your Q , but you need aim skills except in this case xD.You an also using your E to take the ball placed on your mate and made him faster and slowing the enemys behind him.
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YOU can play Brand in the same way like here and it's awesome too^^
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HeavyFist
HeavyFist Orianna Guide
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