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Tristana Build Guide by strailios

AD Carry Power House Smite Build

AD Carry Power House Smite Build

Updated on May 2, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author strailios Build Guide By strailios 4,950 Views 0 Comments
4,950 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author strailios Tristana Build Guide By strailios Updated on May 2, 2016
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If you haven't heard of Rageblade Tristana yet you're missing out. This build adds even more to your mid game spike, plus lets you keep your power late game, and make tanks easy peasy.
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We are running pretty standard runes, You could swap out armor pen for flat AD, but I prefer the pen for taking down tanks. The move speed quints are going to help you outrun your opponent when you get caught split pushing (because that's the best way to use this kit). If you're more in the action by all means use something different, but if you want to win games especially in low elo Tristana + split pushing is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
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One thing that's really going to add to our damage is Fervor. Fervor is 100% necessary, you'd be a fool not to take it into battle. Other than that other paths don't make a huge difference, and it's a big part in play style more than anything.
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Skill Sequence

You're going to want that E maxed ASAP to make pushing waves that much faster. Q comes second so that after you drop your high damage bomb on a tower you have the attack speed to back it up and shred through towers like none other.
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Team Work

You'll do just fine in teamfights if you stay back. When the tank rushes in on you smite them and jump to reposition. Having that challenger smite will make ripping through their health that much easier for you. If you're following my prefered play style you shouldn't run into very many big team fights since you'll be too busy shredding towers and running away like a ***** instead of shredding tanks ;)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author strailios
strailios Tristana Guide
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Power House Smite Build

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