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Xerath Build Guide by XerathMainerr

Private Xerath

Private Xerath

Updated on November 5, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XerathMainerr Build Guide By XerathMainerr 1,544 Views 0 Comments
1,544 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author XerathMainerr Xerath Build Guide By XerathMainerr Updated on November 5, 2012
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This build is very private and personal I only crafted this build because I thought some people might have same idea as me.

My idea in this build was to get unholy grail as soon as possible (before deathcap) because I realized that Xerath can do so much with unholy grail (never mana hungry with mana controls) and if he is backed up with runes of ap, he wont have any early game dmg problems. When unholy grail is done, it became very situational.

I realized that Xerath is very ap dependent champ and also very vulnerable therefore it was hard to make a choice between survivability, or damage. However, because i chose to go unholy grail, i realized he would be too weak with items such as rylais. I went straight for Deathcap (buying Needlessly large rod and rushing rylais/ abyssal/ zhonyas is very situational and depends on the player) for more damage. When I had enough damage, if none of the players on the other team is crazy fed, I went rylais for fair ap plus health. However, when their ad was fed I would go Zhonyas and if their ap was fed I would go abyssal scepter.
*** I included Frozen Heart as a one of the option choices because I thought it could/ might work on xerath due to shorter cooldowns / armour and mana. But that is only very situational and most of the time zhonyas would be better.
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Summoner Spells

I put Flash (NECESSARY) and Teleport for more sustain plus roaming

but these will work too

1. Flash + Exhaust

2. Flash + Ignite (but I dont like ignite on xerath because the range of it is shorter than his skills + combos)

3. Flash + Clense (for CC)
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I put dmg for the mastery because Xerath's basic attack motion is weird and it is hard to farm.
with higher ad in early game, it would be easier for him to farm with basic attacks because you cant spam his skills. (mana hungry)

And of course, utility (mana related) mastery was put in for his problem of mana hungry.
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Skill Sequence

I really think that it's better to max out E first than W because you do more damage. I believe the AP ratio on his E is high (if it's not, im very sorry).

But it is possible for you to max out W after Q

it's different for everyone so try it out and use what works for you
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personal and private guide and I made this by trying out some builds
and I have my own style of playing mid lane (I dont even main mid but still)

I really like Xerath's skills of AOE burst dmg, stun, long ranged skills.

I hope this build works for even 1 person that would be happy for me

I'm ready to take some boos but please, try to make it little nicer please :)

That is it and if there are any problems, please notice me and I will fix it immediately

Thank you and have a great day.

P.S. For those people who wonder who I am, I'm just NA LOL player who currently has about 1500 elo that means ADC and Top lane. But I really love Xerath particular. : )
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XerathMainerr
XerathMainerr Xerath Guide
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Private Xerath

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