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Yuumi Build Guide by Foedari

Support Protect your pet

Support Protect your pet

Updated on January 27, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Foedari Build Guide By Foedari 8 1 12,246 Views 3 Comments
8 1 12,246 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Foedari Yuumi Build Guide By Foedari Updated on January 27, 2024
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Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Font of Life

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Protect your pet

By Foedari
in the beginning...
We had master, master was good, master was kind master fed us fish, and master would always remind us that together; we were powerful. That all changed when when master disappeared. the details aren't important, but what does matter is when we woke up from our nap, we were alone. well mostly alone, we still had book. He's our favorite place to sleep. he also carries us around and follows whoever we choose to call our friend. Anyways... there is nothing worse than waking up surrounded by strangers, all of which hate you for being you. life is hard in the beginning, but there is hope!

We start our adventure by buying our spellthief and our first control ward. Then we go to leash. This is important because the sooner we introduce our pets to the leash the easier it become to train them later on. So junglers are arrogant pets, and they need multiple reminders as to why they need us, otherwise they will continue to roam the map aimlessly. So we support them on their first TWO kills in both instances stopping our attack before the target hits 700hp. Once we stop we leave to go take care of our bot lane. Us showing up 20 seconds late to the bot lane is far less impactful than letting our jg get a 20 second lead over the enemy jg, while also giving our BOT laner a few extra kills at full xp. as soon as we arive, drop that stealth ward you've sitting on in the first bush closest to your turret and latch onto your special pet. the goal now is to demonstrate your awesomeness by poking the **** out of their sup, make them regret attempting to help their carry. pay attention to how the enemy sup plays, do they lead with their cc? or do they try to damage first then follow with cc? time your bubble to eat the big shots, but don't forget that your bubble is a utility spell, one that grants movement and attack speed so don't be afraid to pop bubble at the start of the engage then drop off to show your pet how to attack. Double the damage AND a boost to attack speed is hard to pass up.
our pet becomes brave....
once the laning phase comes to a close we show our pet what i truly means to become powerful. by this point you should have your moonstones and a healthy start to your knights (if you don't already have it). learn to read your pet. know the signs for when it moves to engage and when it is just trying to find a place to hide. if it is going to engage, lead with a poke from your e as that will snare the enemy and give your pet a strong starting point to commence their attack from. throw down that bubble and fire away. as we progress through the fights you will find that your little minion is becoming confident...but don't let it become too big for it isn't ready yet. when the time is right, get your knights and your zeke's...again, don't forget to set your pet as the conduit.
the tough choices.
it is time. now we need to start making some choices. determine the direction our pets should grow...does our pet focus on going face first into the fight? or does it like to attack from a distance? does its attack carry a magical component to its attack? how does the enemy team comp look? if your pet has shown itself to be magically inclined, it might be time to grab that abyssal mask and make the enemy realize what pain is. if they are more brutish in nature, that frozen heart might be the direction you want to go since it natively slows attack speed....what you choose will determine how demoralizing attacking your pet is going to be for the enemy team.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Foedari
Foedari Yuumi Guide
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Protect your pet

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