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Ashe Build Guide by HezForce

Pure DPS Ashe

Pure DPS Ashe

Updated on September 1, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HezForce Build Guide By HezForce 5,069 Views 0 Comments
5,069 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HezForce Ashe Build Guide By HezForce Updated on September 1, 2011
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This guide is for experimented players, to me an experimented player is someone who knows how to back, and atacks only when he sees an opportunity. This guide is made for players who don't die alot because I use stack items, so you always have to watch your back!!
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Summoner Spells

I chose clarity, this is an EXTREMLY important skill for ashe because when you have a lack of mana and you want to use your ult arrow, its a lifesaver ( more like life killer :P )
For the second skill i chose teleport because with this i can get right into the action when im far, and i find it very useful, and sometimes your team forgets a lane so you can use it to save ur *** too.
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Skill Sequence

For the skills just make sure you put hawkshot at lvl 1 when you reach level 4, its very useful to see if ur enemy is hiding
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Ok now for the most important part

1- Dorans bladeThis is very useful at the beginning because of the 100 hp and the 3% lifesteal, everyone agrees on that.

2- Boots of SwiftnessThese are important to always reach ur enemy when hes trying to escape.

3- Sword of the OccultThis is where your skills are needed, this item has the potential to give you +110 Atack Damage and +15% movement speed when you reach 20 stacks.

4- B.F SwordYou need this sword right now because you still dont have stacks with the sword of the occult, and you need AD.

5- ZealThis is for some atack speed/crit and movement

6- Blood thirsterThis will give you 100 AD and lifesteal, VERY important item.

7-Phantom DancerThis is for more atack speed/crit/movement

8- Infinity EdgeAtack and crit

9- Black CleaverAD and speed

10- Phantom DancerSell the boots of swiftness to buy another phantom dancer, you should have eneough movment speed.
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Unique Skills


1- In a group fight, NEVER shoot your ULT at the beginning, its a waste, wait for your enemies HP to be reduced under 1k, this way its almost certain that they will not escape.

2-when your in the base and someone is atacking ur tower, shoot the arrow from the base and teleport to the tower, you should arrive at the same time as ur arrow!!

DEFENSIVELY : use volley shot to slow enemies while their following you, and if its not enough use your crystal arrow ( ULT ) to stun and slow them, its a great way to escape, you can save your allies with your ULT too.
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To summerize, for this build to be successful you need to know how to always back, and atack only when you see the opportunity, because dying makes you loose 70 AD. At the end you should have around 455 AD, 75% + crit, lifesteal and 140% atackspeed. With this, you can solo almost anyone!!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author HezForce
HezForce Ashe Guide
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Pure DPS Ashe

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