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Vladimir Build Guide by beansoce

Middle Rank 1 Vladimir (OCE) | Season 12 challenger vladimir mid guide

Middle Rank 1 Vladimir (OCE) | Season 12 challenger vladimir mid guide

Updated on April 20, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author beansoce Build Guide By beansoce 9 1 30,437 Views 1 Comments
9 1 30,437 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author beansoce Vladimir Build Guide By beansoce Updated on April 20, 2022
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Runes: electrocute

1 2
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
eletrocute setup
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Rank 1 Vladimir (OCE) | Season 12 challenger vladimir mid guide

By beansoce
Hello there, I am Beans and I have been challenger on the oceaniac region peaking at 800lp challenger and have been challenger for the past two seasons now.

I really started to play vladimir in s10 and now have over 500k mastery points on him.This guide will help you improve your understanding and role as vlad in the midlane.
General Tips
Here are some basic tips that will give you a basic foundation on vladimir.

1. Farming is the most important factor on vlad you should really take into consideration is helping your team a better option over farming. Ofcourse it isn't you're playing vlad you should play selfish, you are the sole carry and should take all resources and carry.

2. Don't be afraid to take bad trades, vlad has a lot of sustain and can easily take bad trades and come back on top with his healing.

3. Try and learn to last hit early, vlad has long cooldowns early so you got to be cautious when using ur q effectively to win matchups by using empowered q on enemy instead of minions.

4. Don't blame ur teammates, you are the a 1v9 demon champ. With resources you are able to carry even if your bot lane is 0/20. Don't let them be the reason you lose, you are better.

5. Your empowered q is very important, try and lean towards then enemy when you have the second charge because when its active you get bonus ms and can catch them off guard. Your E, zhonyas and pool will make your empowered q last longer and put it on delay so that can also be used to get nasty flash combos off.
Every 30 points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir 1.6 bonus Health (does not stack with itself).

Vladimir steals life from the target enemy. When Vladimir's resource is full, Transfusion will benefit from massively increased damage and healing for a brief time.

Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood, becoming untargetable for 2 seconds. Additionally, enemies on the pool are slowed and Vladimir siphons life from them.

Vladimir pays his own health to charge up a reservoir of blood which, when released, deals damage in the area around him but can be blocked by enemy units.

Vladimir infects an area with a virulent plague. Affected enemies take increased damage for the duration. After a few seconds, Hemoplague deals magic damage to infected enemies and heals Vladimir for each enemy Champion hit.
Pros N Cons
+ Good sustain with Q
+ Good late game carry
+ Can escape situations with W
+ Does a lot of aoe(area of effect) damage in teamfights
+ Great Engage in Teamfights
+ Uses HP instead of Mana
+ Scales Well with AP items
Vladimir's kit is what makes him so strong. Having the ability to heal off ur Q is what makes fighting a Vladimir so frustrating. Playing passive and poking your enemy laner when the time is right is the key to exceeding in the mid to late game as Vladimir.

Cons: -
- Low wave clear early, long cooldowns on abilties
- Easy kit to learn, difficult to master
- Early game can be a struggle for newcomers
- Lack of mobility
- Has no hard crowd control
- Very prone to ganks when Sanguine Pool is down
- Not the strongest against shields

Vladimir's biggest weaknesses are his high ability cooldowns and his lack of crowd control. This makes Vladimir an easy champion to stick to for the enemy laner. Learning to farm and avoiding poke early whilst providing some yourself is key to winning early as Vladimir.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author beansoce
beansoce Vladimir Guide
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Rank 1 Vladimir (OCE) | Season 12 challenger vladimir mid guide

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