dodging her q is the most important part of her kit, learning how to dodge or buying boots is a good counter to anivia. Only try to take trade with empowered q, can rarely ever kill her without your jungler, either ban it or play passive til your jungler comes.
It's very hard to lane against a good ryze he has a lot of wave control, outranges, point and click cc and mobility. You can abuse him early when he doesnt have items, need early boots to counter his movespeed.
I perma ban this champ, very disgusting matchup. magic resist in his kit, q gives him magic shield and silence (cancels ur e) and has a blink so its hard to get full combo off. Try to abuse him off cs early with range and track enemy jungler so you don't die early. Try and get ur jungler to gank or dive kass early. Rushing pen boots into void staff after rocketbelt is best build for this matchup
It's a very difficult matchup, he has a spellshield every 40 seconds, his q is a silence which counters ur e. Try to auto him to drop his spellshild then q. Use ur e to get rid of his voidlings to deny waveclear, late game you can buy banshees and use rocketbelt to drop his passive before full comboing.
Try and bait out his abilities and only trade when you have empowered q, you have a lot of sustain so you can take bad trades and still heal up whilst he goes oom. you can easily oneshot him if you make him use his e. It's also very important to save ur w for his ult.
Very hard matchup early he has alot of range and shield early which denies ur empowered q, don't even try to trade just farm safely until 6 or until your jungler ganks you.
If she's a good player she'll abuse you with her long range, Try to get her oom early game and abuse her. Learn to last hit and use q on her only, you can pre much only kill her with rocketbelt unless she's bad. Only trade with empowered q becuase her shield is very strong.
early game she has alot of dmg and poke, get early cdr or boots to dodge her abilities or outsustain the dmg. Save ur w for her ult not her e.
Aurelion Sol
He has a lot of dmg early and wave clear, try and farm safely under tower and ward for your team so they dont die to roams. After rocketbelt you'll win the matchup.
Try and use auto attacks during your combos, it will do more dmg than your abilties since his magic shield passive. Get boots early to dodge his e and try to pool his w as best you can. His ult makes it hard for you to one shot people so just becareful when making plays he might be hovering them on the map with ult.
He just pushes the lane with his turrets early so just try to farm the best under tower. Try to poke him only when you have empowered q, you can oneshot him once rocketbelt to dodge his e. Try and save w for his ult dmg.
Really hard matchup early since he has a lot of mobility and cc. Try to use w early to dodge her stun, once she's 6 just save w for ult and try to dodge her e without using pool.
Outranges you very hard, try to get a feel for dodging her qs early so you don't get hit by her q e combo. Buying early boots is good to counter her, and you can pool her ult dmg.
Talon can abuse you early if he's good, has alot of burst early and wave clear and roam potential. Try to ward for your team, you also pool his w q combo if you're good enough.
Take phaserush so you can run away for him, if he's ahead you can't really do much he just kills you with his 5 second ultimate. If you don't feel comfortable getting zhonyas second is very useful to counter him.
He has a lot of mobility, wave clear and shielding, so only trade when you have empowered q. Try and abuse his mana before he gets his e upgrade he just oneshots waves off that. Just becareful of his ult, as it is a silence and can ruin ur combo.
Getting early boots and learning to dodge his abilties mainly his q and e, his w is pre much undodgeable. You can one shot him at 6 so just play safe early and stay healthy.
She's pre much impossible to kill, with her insta fear and shield. You can bait out her ult with your pool and ult right as she's on top of you. Try and avoid being on the wave as she'll just do alot of damage with her combo. Ward for your team so she doesn't roam with ult.
Has a lot of wave clear and damage early, can't really get onto him because of his w. Try to farm early once one item you can one shot him.
Play safe first couple levels she's very strong lvl 1 and 2, most zoe players will q the backline. Try to pool her sleep and dodge her q. You outscale and can oneshot her off after one item.
She's very strong early with her q and empowered auto so try to space her and trade with empowered q. Try walking left or right instead of straight to dodge her e otherwise she'll just run you down. Save ur pool for her second ult charge.
Just like syndra you'll have to dodge her q, the main abilty she'll get movespeed and you run you down. Boots early is good to weave her qs. You can use ur pool to dodge her ult or just play constantly turning back and forward.
Try to abuse her early and space her, only trade with empowered q because her shield is very strong. You can cancel her 2nd e charge if you pool it early game. Save your pool foro her ult once she's 6.
Harrass him early, don't let him walk up early to clear waves. If he ults before your ult goes off the damage still goes through, also ignite him this will reduce the healing from his ult and get you a kill.
She's very strong early so respect that, try to q w her and dodge her early damage. Try stay inbetween ur minions so she can't land her chains. Try and get her to atleast 3/4 or 1/2 hp before full comboing her, because her passive will not let you kill her.
Try and dodge her q, it outranges you pre hard and does a lot of damage. Only trade with empowered q, try to track the jungler because she has crazy setup for ganks. Save your pool for her ult otherwise she'll beat you.
Don't trade with him early, he's very strong with pta. Only trade with empowered q if he dashes onto you just pool and walk away.
Boots are very strong in this matchup to be able to dodge her abilties, try and not stand on the wave because she'll just e the wave and poke you. If she has barrier pre much impossible to kill her so just afk farm.
He has a lot of wave clear early, try avoid fighting him he'll just outsustain with fleet and biscuits. After rocketbelt you can oneshot him and pool his ultimate if you can.
Has a lot of range and wave clear, just dodge his q and your pool for his e early. Try to save pool for his ult otherwise you'll just die to his full combo. Once rocketbelt you can easily one shot him since he's immobile.
Deny him on the first wave, proc electrocute and don't let him walk up to get qs. Just becareful of his e because his damage goes through your pool and can execute you. Save ur pool for his ult.
He'll just shove waves with double bomb, don't stand on wave and you can't really kill him because of his ult at 6. Try wait for jungle to kill him after 6
You can beat her lvl 1 with eletrocute, she'll start w and auto you for ele. You can do the same and auto q auto for early damage. You can take bad trades and outsustain, try and dodge her charm or use pool to dodge it. You can pre much only kill her at 6 if you have flash.
Only trade when you have empowered q, try pool stun early so you win the trade. Most important part if pooling her ult otherwise she'll just oneshot you with full combo.
Bully him level 1 and deny him early, start w second to dodge his e damage. He does a lot of damage early so respect that, otherwise you'll die. Save your pool for his ult once he's 6 cause you can deny his ult damage.
Deny her off wave early, kat has very bad wave clear and no sustain so you can play very agro. Just be careful of standing near her daggers. Her ult has grevious wounds so becareful of having no healing from ult.
Deny her from the wave level 1, proc electrocute off repeat. Try and be careful most qiyanas will sit on camoflauge all game so its hard to proc ur q. Just respect her once she's 3 cause she can oneshot you early. Try and pool her ult once she's 6 and don't STAND near walls.
Most sylas will start e level 1, if you can dodge his second charge you can win trade lvl 1 with electrocute, if you're good enough you can pool his w and deny heal. You can also pull his ult animation to take ur ult and puts it on cooldown.
She just wants to waveclear and roam, just respect and dodge her e with pool or sidestep it. She's very squishy so you can oneshot easily, try to ward for your team since she can roam easily with passive and ult.
Twisted Fate
Play aggressive early, he's weak early game. Ward for your jungler and team. Try and harrass him as much as you can so he can't roam.
Try to dodge his qs early, only trade with empowered Q. You can use pool early to get out of his e early but once level 6 try and save ur pool for his ult. Very immobile so you can kill with rocketbelt very easily if you dodge e.
Try to walk up level 1 and proc electrocute, deny him off wave so he doesnt have control over the lane. Try to autoattack his passive shield before using q, your q can travel over your windwall but his e cannot. Use pool early game if he's constantly dashing on you, once 6 you can use pool to dodge nado or just w after he casts. Try and change up your e charge time to deal with him windwalling.
Walk up to him level 1, try and dodge q and harrass him early. He's very vulnerable early without his w. Try and get a feel for dodging where he places his w. Save pool for his ult if you time it correctly the damage doesn't go off.
Pretty much a free lane, he'll just look to shove wave and roam. He can't kill you early so just free farm and ward for your team.
Can dive pretty easily under tower with pool and rappel.
Can dive pre easily as two untargetable abilties.
Can dive pretty easily under tower with pool and rappel.
Hello there, I am Beans and I have been challenger on the oceaniac region peaking at 800lp challenger and have been challenger for the past two seasons now.
I really started to play vladimir in s10 and now have over 500k mastery points on him.This guide will help you improve your understanding and role as vlad in the midlane.
General Tips
Here are some basic tips that will give you a basic foundation on vladimir.
1. Farming is the most important factor on vlad you should really take into consideration is helping your team a better option over farming. Ofcourse it isn't you're playing vlad you should play selfish, you are the sole carry and should take all resources and carry.
2. Don't be afraid to take bad trades, vlad has a lot of sustain and can easily take bad trades and come back on top with his healing.
3. Try and learn to last hit early, vlad has long cooldowns early so you got to be cautious when using ur q effectively to win matchups by using empowered q on enemy instead of minions.
4. Don't blame ur teammates, you are the a 1v9 demon champ. With resources you are able to carry even if your bot lane is 0/20. Don't let them be the reason you lose, you are better.
5. Your empowered q is very important, try and lean towards then enemy when you have the second charge because when its active you get bonus ms and can catch them off guard. Your E, zhonyas and pool will make your empowered q last longer and put it on delay so that can also be used to get nasty flash combos off.
Every 30 points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir 1.6 bonus Health (does not stack with itself).
Vladimir steals life from the target enemy. When Vladimir's resource is full, Transfusion will benefit from massively increased damage and healing for a brief time.
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood, becoming untargetable for 2 seconds. Additionally, enemies on the pool are slowed and Vladimir siphons life from them.
Vladimir pays his own health to charge up a reservoir of blood which, when released, deals damage in the area around him but can be blocked by enemy units.
Vladimir infects an area with a virulent plague. Affected enemies take increased damage for the duration. After a few seconds, Hemoplague deals magic damage to infected enemies and heals Vladimir for each enemy Champion hit.
Pros N Cons
+ Good sustain with Q
+ Good late game carry
+ Can escape situations with W
+ Does a lot of aoe(area of effect) damage in teamfights
+ Great Engage in Teamfights
+ Uses HP instead of Mana
+ Scales Well with AP items
Vladimir's kit is what makes him so strong. Having the ability to heal off ur Q is what makes fighting a Vladimir so frustrating. Playing passive and poking your enemy laner when the time is right is the key to exceeding in the mid to late game as Vladimir.
Cons: -
- Low wave clear early, long cooldowns on abilties
- Easy kit to learn, difficult to master
- Early game can be a struggle for newcomers
- Lack of mobility
- Has no hard crowd control
- Very prone to ganks when Sanguine Pool is down
- Not the strongest against shields
Vladimir's biggest weaknesses are his high ability cooldowns and his lack of crowd control. This makes Vladimir an easy champion to stick to for the enemy laner. Learning to farm and avoiding poke early whilst providing some yourself is key to winning early as Vladimir.
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