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Rek'Sai Build Guide by The Real Axyro

Rek'Sai The Glass Burrower

Rek'Sai The Glass Burrower

Updated on December 14, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Real Axyro Build Guide By The Real Axyro 3,414 Views 0 Comments
3,414 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Real Axyro Rek'Sai Build Guide By The Real Axyro Updated on December 14, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Start Krogg, smite krogg, use w go to blue q then unburrow then q again. Take blue use health pot, the use burrow then q unburrow and take wolves. Burrow all the way to chickens unburrow q take chickens, burrow q red unburrow smite red and use health pot (early smite it for the health). Then go take golems then back. Repeat.
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Ganking Lanes

I prefer to gank mid or top lane because adc's destroy rek'sai but if you do gank bot lane burrow into lane (E) then have you supp lock down there adc and then you and your adc can take them out. Afterwards smite the supp burrow and knock him up to. (Ignore supp unless they are a heavy damage supp, Nidalee, Vel'koz, Jarvan, e.t.c). If you are going to gank any lane always (ALWAYS!) use your E to burrow into lane. Its a good gap closer and lets you knock them up faster so your laner can secure the kill.
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Team Fights

You are a glass cannon. Rely on your team mates and you will destroy the enemy team. Do Not try to 1v3 1v4 1v2 1v5 the enemy team. Idc how far "ahead" you are don't because you will lose and they will then t-bag your remains. Because you were a ******. Try to keep your burrows up alot because they are your main escape/ gap closer. Team fight down at bot(If team ahead and winning) go ahead and ult to top lane and split push. This will force the enemy team to doubt themselves and back. Making your team victorious in the team fight, and if they don't back then keep pushing. Take inhib and teach them a lesson, (they've been very naughty)
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You shouldn't be laning with Rek'Sai you piece of ****.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Real Axyro
The Real Axyro Rek'Sai Guide
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Rek'Sai The Glass Burrower

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