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Renekton Build Guide by yewie97

Top Renekton- Solo Top Build

Top Renekton- Solo Top Build

Updated on November 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author yewie97 Build Guide By yewie97 1,860 Views 0 Comments
1,860 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author yewie97 Renekton Build Guide By yewie97 Updated on November 27, 2012
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FLASH- As it lets you to get into the fight or away and can help you initiate with your ultimate and quickly take down enemy carries.

IGNITE- Ignite is helpful as it allows you to pick off enemies that are trying to escape the fight with low hp, and helps you to feed off the enemy noobs :)
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Renekton is a very good solo top laner as he has very good damage bursts and is able to rush champions and stun them while imputing masses of damage onto them. I recommend using his as a bruiser and can change team fights in an instant and is best played in the middle of the fight as his ultimate damages all surrounding enemies.

I hope you have fun with him and enjoy him on the Fields of Justice!!

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Strong and powerful solo top
+ Has great farming potential.
+ Has a built in double blink if touching any enemy unit.
+ Powerful low cd sustain ability.
+ Awesome stun that procs on hit effects.
+ An ultimate that gives a LOT of HP and damage.
+ Able to dive in enemy teams, wrecking everything apart
+ Needs no mana, even gains fury by every hit!
+ EXTREMELY fun to play!


- Squishy early game
- Damage falls off as game progresses
- Melee champion.
- Requires farm to do well.
- Deals lower damage to tankier champions.
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On a faraway world, Renekton was born a member of a race of bestial guardians created to serve as the rulers and protectors of their people. Alongside his brother Nasus, Renekton oversaw the upkeep of the Great Library, which served as both a vault of ancient knowledge and the repository of the teachings of the Cycle of Life and Death. While the enlightened Nasus taught those scholars who came to study, Renekton served as the Great Library's gatekeeper. He could sense the true natures of those who sought Nasus' teachings, and he sent away those with dark ambitions. Over time, however, his repeated exposure to this evil infected his mind. He grew furious with the malevolence in the hearts of men, and as he descended deeper into madness, he discovered he could quell the fury by cutting the evil from the men who possessed it. Unfortunately, the relief was as short-lived as the subjects, and the ''butcher's rage'', as it came to be known, would resurge even stronger.

Consumed by his anger, Renekton turned on the one being who could defeat him -- his own brother. Nasus pleaded with Renekton to see reason. Realizing that he was beyond redemption, the despondent Nasus valiantly struck down his wayward sibling. Defenseless, Renekton waited eagerly for death's release. It never came. He was spared when summoners from the League of Legends claimed his brother. Caught in the wake of this powerful spell, Renekton tumbled for what seemed like ages between realities. When he finally emerged, he fell deep into the sewers of Zaun. Insane with fury, Renekton languished in his newfound home, driven senseless by his rage. That is until, by happenstance, he caught a familiar scent on the air. Believing that the familiar scent who guide him to the solace which was fading from his memory, he his brother all the way to the Institute of War.

''My brother has become hollow. Full of rage, but empty.'' -- Nasus, the Curator of the Sands.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author yewie97
yewie97 Renekton Guide
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Renekton- Solo Top Build

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