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Ryze Build Guide by BiscuiteCarnivor

Ryze - Raise my ELO up ( Ranked Guide )

Ryze - Raise my ELO up ( Ranked Guide )

Updated on March 25, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BiscuiteCarnivor Build Guide By BiscuiteCarnivor 2,299 Views 0 Comments
2,299 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BiscuiteCarnivor Ryze Build Guide By BiscuiteCarnivor Updated on March 25, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Hello Summoners and welcome to my guide on Mobafire. I'm BiscuiteCarnivor, an EUNE Player and I'd like you to introduce you to my first Ryze, The Rogue Mage guide.IMO 450IP champions, shouldn't be "underplayed" cause the majority of them are OP. For instance Sivir is an AD Carry I would go with, Nunu & Willump , Soraka, Master Yi, IMO they are just worth it. Ok, now back to our Ryze who is a very good mid. champion in ranked, gots good CC, low Cooldowns, that passive Arcane Mastery, AoE damage, Spell Vamp, and you build him on mana and tanky items, but I told you enough already, so Let's Begin!
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Pro's / Con's

- Low cooldowns
- Build him on mana with tanky items
- Good damage
- Good cc with targetable Snare
- AoE damage
- No mana problems
- Easy farm spamming skills to stack Tear

- Little bit squishy
- Enemies focus Ryze
- Kinda no escape mecanism
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Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush
Those are the core runes that I would go with.

Why Greater Mark of Magic Penetration ?
Those are good for any mage. The extra boost of magic penetration, that's why i get a Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration ; with that you will have 10 Magic Penetration.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BiscuiteCarnivor
BiscuiteCarnivor Ryze Guide
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Ryze - Raise my ELO up ( Ranked Guide )

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