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Yuumi Build Guide by ttvE_S_U_

Support [S11.5] Yuumi S+ Guide (Covers all Aspects of the Game)

Support [S11.5] Yuumi S+ Guide (Covers all Aspects of the Game)

Updated on March 10, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ttvE_S_U_ Build Guide By ttvE_S_U_ 8 0 5,836 Views 5 Comments
8 0 5,836 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ttvE_S_U_ Yuumi Build Guide By ttvE_S_U_ Updated on March 10, 2021
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Runes: Rune Page 1

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Presence of Mind
Cut Down

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
About Me :)
I used to play yone and lux mid then my friends wanted me to play support and I did and it was fun, so I made an alt account for support champs only (acc is "supchampsonly"). I currently have high win rates with Lux, Yuumi, and Sett (high being more than 60%) This is, of course, all subject to change because I suck. My favorite support to play is Yuumi but I am also really getting into Bard.
Pros and Cons

♥ Untargetable Because of You and Me!

♥ Mid/late Game Potential

♥ Powerful Heal

♥ Good Crowd Control with Final Chapter and Prowling Projectile

Yuumi has a lot to offer in every stage of the game, especially during the mid/late game with her crowd control, Final Chapter and Prowling Projectile. Also, Zoomies is one of the most powerful heals in the game, and it gets stronger with Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer.


♥ Very Squishy

♥ High Mana Costs on Zoomies

♥ High Cooldown on Zoomies

Yuumi has gone through a bunch of changes since her release, mostly with Zoomies. You have to use it sparingly because of its high cooldown along with high mana costs that can cost more than your ultimate. Also, she's quite squishy with little sustain. However, she has Bop 'n' Block to help with that.
-BOP 'N' BLOCK(Passive) Her passive has a cooldown of 15 seconds and what it does is every time you auto-attack and enemy champ it gives you some mana back, So to utilize this I jump off my ally auto and then jump back on (using my w ability - see below). Yuumi needs to do this early game because of mana problems. It also gives her a small shield.

-Prowling Projectile(Q) Yuumi's q is a projectile. If you cast it while off your ally it goes in a straight line. But cast on your ally (using w ability - see below) it is then controlled with your mouse. This is useful because Yuumi can still poke the enemy champ even if there is a full-wave, use this to poke while your ally champ is csing. This is also useful because it slows the enemy champ as well so if the enemy champ is running away you can use your Q to slow them down and your ally can secure the kill.

-You and Me!(W) Yuumi starts the game with one point in her W this is why you don't need to upgrade it until late game. What it does is it makes her jump on an ally. Doing this she becomes untargetable. this means that nothing can hit her(except turret). And when you jump on an ally they gain a shield because of your Summon Aery rune.

-Zoomies(E) This is a key part of your kit because it's a heal. If you are connected to your ally using W then using E will heal them. If you are off your ally then it will affect you instead. This ability also gives you or your ally a small decaying speed buff. Don't just use this when in a fight, if your ally is low then just use it, there is no harm in it and it saves your ally's heal pots or sometimes their heal summoner spell. You shouldn't heal yourself too often most of the time you should only use your E on yourself to run away after all your allies are dead(which shouldn't happen too often if you utilize your summoner spells and champ jumping which I will explain later).

-Final Chapter(R) Your ult puts out Seven pulses if an enemy gets hit by three they are stunned(usually for the entire duration of the ult because if they are stunned they will be continuously hit by the pulses). You can cast this on or off your ally and you can use your W and your E while casting your ult but not your Q. If laning try to hit both enemy champs(support and adc/apc) but if your adc/apc is behind then just hit whoever you can. This is also good in team fights (I'll explain later).
Summoner Spells
Exhaust Heal is a very good combo with all of your synergies but if you find yourself missing kills then change to ignite until you get better at Yuumi so that you can switch to heal and ultra feed your adc/apc. But you should never go flash because if you need to run away just jump on your adc/apc(using W). And you shouldn't be 1v1ing anyone or flashing to get kills, why you ask? BECAUSE YOU'RE YUUMI.
Runes Page One
First you go summon aery because when using your W or E it will give a bit of shield, and when using Q she will do a little extra damage.

Then you go manaflow band because hitting enemies with your Q gives you extra mana up to 250 then once that happenes it gives you 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds.

Then transcendence because of a decrease in ability cooldowns. This is a really good rune for Yuumi because that means the higher level you are the more you heal. Also at level 11 getting an enemy takedown reduces the remaining time on basic abilities by 20% so after level 11 the more takedowns you get the more healing you can deal out(At this point in the game you shouldn't have a mana problem because of items and manaflow.

Scorch is good because after you hit someone it will "scorch" them and do a little bit of extra damage after 1 second. This scales with level

For the second tree I would recommend going presence of mind because it gives mana on takedowns and a 4-second mana regen boost on damaging an enemy. You can use this with your Q as well as an auto-attack. I would recommend an auto-attack if possible because of your passive this will give you the most mana possible.

Cut down is for the extra damage on pokes. Yuumi is a VERY SQUISHY champ so this means she has very low max health. And what Cut down does is you do more damage to a champ with more max health than you, which is pretty much every champ.

Then for extra runes, you go +9 Adaptive, +9 Adaptive, and +6 Armor.
The reason for this is more damage and more healing, more damage and more healing, and you go armor instead of health because of Cut down, Cut down will do less damage the more health you have. So armor is good because it can help you with the health problem without doing less damage.
Runes Page Two
First you go summon aery because when using your W or E it will give a bit of shield, and when using Q she will do a little extra damage.

Then you go manaflow band because hitting enemies with your Q gives you extra mana up to 250 then once that happens it gives you 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds.

Then transcendence because of a decrease in ability cooldowns. This is a really good rune for Yuumi because that means the higher level you are the more you heal. Also at level 11 getting an enemy takedown reduces the remaining time on basic abilities by 20% so after level 11 the more takedowns you get the more healing you can deal out(At this point in the game you shouldn't have a mana problem because of items and manaflow.

You can also choose to go gathering storm is killing too many champs and taking kills from your adc/apc or another reason is for more healing because the amount you heal is based on your AP. (Yes I've tried full AP, no it's not good)

For the second tree I would recommend going presence of mind because it gives mana on takedowns and a 4-second mana regen boost on damaging an enemy. You can use this with your Q as well as an auto-attack. I would recommend an auto-attack if possible because of your passive this will give you the most mana possible.

Cut down is for the extra damage on pokes. Yuumi is a VERY SQUISHY champ so this means she has very low max health. And what Cut down does is you do more damage to a champ with more max health than you, which is pretty much every champ.

Then for extra runes, you go ++8 Ability Haste, +9 Adaptive, and +6 Armor.
The reason for this is more ability haste means more healing and since you have gathering storm you can afford to remove one AP, more damage and more healing, and you go armor instead of health because of Cut down, Cut down will do less damage the more health you have. So armor is good because it can help you with the health problem without doing less damage.
First Items
Spellthief's Edge

-This is the best support item because it gives extra AP which is good for your healing and early game poke is also good. Another reason you go spellthief's edge is for the mana regen, why do we need mana regen? Good answer because Yuumi has a mana problem early game because Q and E are mana expensive.

Control Ward

-Then you should go control ward because you don't need health pots, the reason you don't need health pots is because if you are low just jump on your ally.
First Back

Normal Back(685 Gold)

Faerie Charm
Amplifying Tome

- You should not back before you have enough gold for these items because Faerie Charm helps with your mana problem and Amplifying Tome helps your E heal more. The reason you shouldn't get one without the other is that it won't really do anything. Yes, your E heals more but you get fewer heals because of mana. Yes, you can heal more but it gives less health. So getting both helps A LOT.

Fed Back(950 Gold)

Bandleglass Mirror

- More AP which makes your heals heal more, more ability haste which makes your heals come faster, and more mana regen which makes you able to heal when it comes up. Also, your Q comes faster, does more damage, and it won't interfere with your E because of mana regen. Build into all of Yuumi's first items.
First and Second Full Items

"Moonstone Renewer" and "Ardent Censer"

Moonstone Renewer
Ardent Censer

- When you are against an adc you want to go Moonstone Renewer and Ardent Censer because adcs can do super high damage so you want to utilize Ardent Censer for the extra shield. Another reason you want to go Ardent Censer is that it gives you more AP which means more healing and it boosts healing power by 10%, it also boosts shield power by 10%(Your summon aery rune). The reason you want Moonstone Renewer is that it just boosts your healing, poke, mana, and it not only heals one person but if there is another low health person near you it heals them as well. If there is just you and your ally, then it gives them the extra heal(unless your missing health is lower than theirs).

"Moonstone Renewer" and "Staff of Flowing Water"

Moonstone Renewer
Staff of Flowing Water

- The reason you go Staff of Flowing Water against an apc, is because they are very squishy and this item increases your adc's damage output. And it increases your own poke output. The reason you want Moonstone Renewer is that it just boosts your healing, poke, mana, and it not only heals one person but if there is another low health person near you it heals them as well. If there is just you and your ally, then it gives them the extra heal(unless your missing health is lower than theirs).

"Imperial Mandate" and "Chemtech Putrifier"

Imperial Mandate
Chemtech Putrifier

- The reason you would go these two items is to output high damage. If your ally has a good all in then these items are really good because Chemtech applies grievous wounds which reduces the effects of healing items so that your ally can kill them easier. The reason you go Imperial Mandate is so that your ally can do extra damage. Remember your Q slows them and when you slow or stun someone Imperial Mandate marks them and that mark "explodes" when an ally hits them and when it "explodes" it does extra damage.
Full Build 1


Shard Of True Ice
Imperial Mandate
Chemtech Putrifier
Staff Of Flowing Water
Ardent Censer

- The reason this build is good against healing champs is that it focuses on Yuumi's damage output. It is a really good build if you need to poke hard, I would suggest going Rune Page 2 with this build. It also has items for damage buffs like Staff of Flowing Water and Imperial Mandate. This build is good for team fights as well because using your ult will stun all of the champs and when you do this Imperial Mandate will mark all of the champs you stun which will make your teammates do bonus damage.
Full Build 2


Shard Of True Ice
Moonstone Renewer
Ardent Censer
Mikael's Blessing
Staff Of Flowing Water

- This build is good because it has two items with Unique Actives. One being Mikael's Blessing which removes all crowd control debuffs (except Airborne, Blind, Disarm, Ground, Nearsight, and Suppression). And the other being Redemption which is an AOE active. What it does is in that area that you used it, ally champs get healed and enemy champs get 10% of their maximum health taken away(True damage). This Active is good in team fights and can be used after you're dead(Don't wait until you're dead to use it though). And the rest of the items make you heal more, make your allies damage the enemy more, and lastly make your shields more effective. You should usually go this build if the enemy team has a lot of cc debuffs and your own team keeps dying because of it.
Full Build 3


Shard Of True Ice
Moonstone Renewer
Staff Of Flowing Water
Ardent Censer
Mejai's Soulstealer
Mikael's Blessing

- Just a balanced build for any situation that doesn't need special items like the other two builds. Balanced poke and heal, and you can choose between Mikael's Blessing or Redemption depending on what your team needs.


- Use this when you need mana and you have enough to use your Q. The reason Q is helpful is because Yuumi is slow and you need to Q so that they are slowed. This is also for if they are far away and you want to push them back with your ally.


- If the enemies are close you can just use this instead of using Q because you wouldn't need the slow.


- This is if your enemy flashed, is running away, or is just plainly fast. Q for the slow, Exhaust for the slow and it makes it harder for the enemy to kill your ally. E for the heal and so they can move faster, Auto for a little extra damage.


- You can use this for one, two, three, four, or five people. But you may not get all five of them. You should q one person exhaust a different person then ult the entire group. You are really guaranteed two assists/kills.


- Same thing as before but with the added W if you need to aim better.


- For a guaranteed kill, use on someone with a high bounty.
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