ff, turns game into cancer u really dont want that as karthus
really unplayable, cant hit a q ever on this champ and her e literally nullifies your ult. She has several cheese invade paths which u can do very little about. Can raptors into your gromp while ur on it and give cancer. Can also start on your raptors and split the map. against a good belveth u are almost garunteed to skirmish early game. If belveth is good in the meta this is a decent ban
imo one of the worst matchups u can get as karthus. Its belveth matchup pretty much but weaker early. has 2 invade paths can raptors to your gromp or start your raptors and split map. You dont want any of those things to happen so ward his raptors vs kayn so u can anticipate what u need to do depending on his option. Once he gets form u are completely useless vs blue kayn. he one shots u and can take over game. If he goes red its chill the game is winnable
this matchup is kinda rough bc u can't rly 1v1 the hec unless hes behind by a lot. Whoever gets ahead usually wins this matchup. U could possibly take exhaust vs hec, hec gets rly fucked from exh. Hes too fast so its hard to land a Q and if hes fed expect all your camps to be gone perma and to get one shot.
hard if she gets ahead, u cant rly 1v1 this champ at all when even and especially if she goes tank diana. Clears fast and high tempo just like u.
this champ is a copy of you. Just hard to throw q's on this guy because if u even walk close to him u get stunned by his combo and 1 shot. He has better obj control too.
nidalee but more playable. If she dosent completely take over the game its free
skill matchup, cant rly 1v1 this champ ever tho
this is my permaban, you really need your mid to bail you out of this matchup and get you prio, if your mid is gapped then its prob ff 15. you can't 1v1 a kindred ever past 1 item even if you are way ahead, it is very hard to land Q's while she has her W active which gives her movespeed and also she can use her Q to dodge one of your Q's and it resets cd very fast which makes it rly hard to skirmish against her lvl 6+.
really aids matchup, u get infinitely one shot and cant fight at all
u do no damage to him at all and he runs you over, this is possibly the worst thing u can play against as karthus besides nid
kinda hard to 1v1 him if ur not ahead, he beats u if even and hard to land a q on him. this champ also spawns in with like 5 kills randomly some games its not fun to play vs
Master Yi
watch out for lvl 2 invade, his w cancels your ult
Lee Sin
awful matchup, u cant 1v1 ever no matter how fed u are. He controls the map and can invade, has obj control and good ganks. this matchup way harder in high elo tho compared to low
this champ is pretty much same as hec. too fast, cant land q on her and her R makes it hard to play vs in teamfights
jg and mid role this is annoying to play against. u cant 1v1 this guy unless ur really ahead and he one shots. feels like rengar
every other champ is fine for karthus. Karthus is a champ where matchups dont matter too much, ur just playing to farm and press R in fights and do a lot of damage. The only matchups that are really troubling are lee sin nid and belveth kayn. Those 4 champs can completely control the game and do things early to ruin the game for you. The other champs can't do that and its just bad 1v1 situation but you play your role as the main ap damage dealer for time and control objectives.
anything is fine, you preferably want an ad mid. Yone qiyana zed talon yasuo things like this are really nice to have as your mid laner. If your mid goes an ap champ its okay not a big deal. If you have like 3 ap such as top or support also picking ap to be funny, then dodge and take the -5. Engage support > enchanter. Engage support like naut makes it a lot easier to land q's and make invade plays botside
anything is fine, you preferably want an ad mid. Yone qiyana zed talon yasuo things like this are really nice to have as your mid laner. If your mid goes an ap champ its okay not a big deal. If you have like 3 ap such as top or support also picking ap to be funny, then dodge and take the -5. Engage support > enchanter. Engage support like naut makes it a lot easier to land q's and make invade plays botside
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