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Bridge Between (PASSIVE)
Udyr Passive Ability
I'm currently in Silver and whilst that alone might put you all off looking at my build, I've played my udyr in a few higher elo games and it's worked out well. I'm in silver because I'm bad as a player and always like to play a variety of different champions in ranked but that doesn't mean that this build doesnt carry! :)
I generally always start the same way. I take my items, run to gromp, take blue, wolves and then either decide if there's a gank there to take or recall. An early gank and kill with Udyr is highly beneficial, especially if you can get first blood as the quicker you are to getting devourers the better. I take the early turtle stance as you can clear amazingly well with 3 autos of phoenix, turtle, 3 autos of phoenix. Make sure you get that extra phoenix before you change to turtle though!
A lot of people think that because you're going devourer, you need to be sat in the jungle farming until you're sated. That's not the case! You should always be on the lookout for a good gank as a kill / assist also helps you stack! Play Udyr like you would any other jungler in terms of ganking and you should be fine.
Think about who you're ganking, if they have a dash or flash up, always run towards their turret first and auto from that side. Keep running towards their base whilst attacking and you should get a kill. Switch up your stances between bear and phoenix for the stun and movement speed to keep up with them.
By the time you're sated, you should hopefully have a couple of kills, have either completed triforce or bought boots and half of triforce. I usually buy sheen and then phage but that's my personal preference. By this point, the majority of people will always underestimate your power. This is the time to counter jungle, gank and just go on a mad rampage around the map. Fly around everywhere and cause as much trouble as possible. (Usually by this point, if I've been having a good game, I'll start to overtake most of the players in the game in terms of levels. Keep snowballing and you'll be level 18 before you know it.)
By the time people can start hurting you, unless they're were fed early, you should be already on the way to getting your first defensive item. Always think about who's on the other team, who's fed, which lane looks like it's going to change, what stage of the game you're in and who that benefits. Make the right judgement call and you should be good to go.
Other than that, the main thing about Udyr is to have fun and annoy the **** out of the other team. They won't be able to catch you, you can burst down most squishys as good as any assasin, and you're tanky to boot. Annoy the hell out of the other team and you're doing a good job!
A lot of people think that because you're going devourer, you need to be sat in the jungle farming until you're sated. That's not the case! You should always be on the lookout for a good gank as a kill / assist also helps you stack! Play Udyr like you would any other jungler in terms of ganking and you should be fine.
Think about who you're ganking, if they have a dash or flash up, always run towards their turret first and auto from that side. Keep running towards their base whilst attacking and you should get a kill. Switch up your stances between bear and phoenix for the stun and movement speed to keep up with them.
By the time you're sated, you should hopefully have a couple of kills, have either completed triforce or bought boots and half of triforce. I usually buy sheen and then phage but that's my personal preference. By this point, the majority of people will always underestimate your power. This is the time to counter jungle, gank and just go on a mad rampage around the map. Fly around everywhere and cause as much trouble as possible. (Usually by this point, if I've been having a good game, I'll start to overtake most of the players in the game in terms of levels. Keep snowballing and you'll be level 18 before you know it.)
By the time people can start hurting you, unless they're were fed early, you should be already on the way to getting your first defensive item. Always think about who's on the other team, who's fed, which lane looks like it's going to change, what stage of the game you're in and who that benefits. Make the right judgement call and you should be good to go.
Other than that, the main thing about Udyr is to have fun and annoy the **** out of the other team. They won't be able to catch you, you can burst down most squishys as good as any assasin, and you're tanky to boot. Annoy the hell out of the other team and you're doing a good job!
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