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Recommended Items
Runes: Strong Early Support
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
With how strong Predator is, I have been having a lot of issues with Blitz being able to run me down in laning phase. It is almost impossible to play against a good one.
Lux and Xerath is a very oppressive lane. Both can hard poke out most lanes. If she lands her Q, you can almost always just 100-0 anyone.
Lux and Xerath is a very oppressive lane. Both can hard poke out most lanes. If she lands her Q, you can almost always just 100-0 anyone.
Champion Build Guide
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I am Hot Eboy Xerath, aka Chris.I’m a Challenger Xerath player that’s normally around 800 LP and a dedicated streamer! I’ve been playing League of Legends since Season 2 and have reached Masters on several accounts playing Mid, ADC, and Support. I have also coached players and teams from all ranks since Season 6.I created this guide to help any player looking to understand Xerath better and so that everyone can experience how strong he can be. I hope to share my knowledge that I have learned through playing Xerath in Masters and reaching #2 Xerath in NA.If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me on stream at Twitch.tv/HotEboyXerath. I stream every day at 7:30 pm EST so I hope to see you there!![]() |
Playing Xerath requires good patience and even better positioning. Ideally, you need to play as a poke mage and avoid straight up 1v1s.
Xerath APC
Tank Shredder
Situational Items
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I tend to judge if I want to build ![]() |
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Build this item when you notice that the enemy has anti-heal. I actually only buy the ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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As you reach your lane, remember that playing Xerath as an APC in bot lane is all about doing small trades and slowly poking the enemy down. Try to avoid long, drawn-out fights because Xerath has very long cooldowns.
When playing Xerath, a big tip is that you want to lead with your W so that you can apply your slow to them and land your Q more easily. Another reminder would be to only use your E when you are going in for an all-in or are trying to peel and disengage from a fight. Try treating it like a Morg Q or Blitz Q where holding can be more threatening than constantly using it. If you use your E too often, you will also find that you’ll run out of mana very easily.
The key takeaways here are that you want to focus on farming, do small trades when it is advantageous to you, and only throw your E when necessary.
The Mid & Late game is all about your positioning and how effectively you can land your abilities without putting yourself at risk. Ideally there are two main actions you should be doing:
Besides that, there aren’t too many tricks. As Xerath, remember that while you will eventually have massive damage, you have to be alive to do it!
For Xerath’s ultimate, I do want to emphasize that there are different ways to effectively use it, especially later in the game. Even though I know we love to joke about zoning ultimates, it actually is an extremely useful way of using Xerath’s R. Most people use Xerath’s ultimate to finish off low health targets, but it can actually be a way to initiate team fights. If you are able to recognize that the enemy has been caught or is out of position, instantly ulting them even at full health will indicate to your team that you are looking for the teamfight. At the same time, your ultimate will now force the target to make a tough decision. Should they run back towards their team and get hit by all of your ultimates or should they attempt to dodge and have to run towards your team? Either way, this losing scenario for them will give your team the advantage to win the teamfight.
In the meantime, it would mean a lot if you could stop by my Twitch at Twitch.tv/HotEboyXerath. I stream every day at 7:30 pm EST and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!
I will continue to keep this guide updated as I test out the new runes and preseason changes. Until then, enjoy playing Xerath! :)
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