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Kai'Sa Build Guide by tokyodamonsta

ADC [Season 14] Kai'sa High Elo Guide!

ADC [Season 14] Kai'sa High Elo Guide!

Updated on July 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tokyodamonsta Build Guide By tokyodamonsta 149 30 959,808 Views 12 Comments
149 30 959,808 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author tokyodamonsta Kai'Sa Build Guide By tokyodamonsta Updated on July 18, 2024
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Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[Season 14] Kai'sa High Elo Guide!

By tokyodamonsta
Ability Breakdown
Hey guys! Would really appreciate if you could check out my twitch channel, drop a follow as it helps me out a bunch!

Passive - Second Skin: Kai'Sa's basic attacks stack Plasma, dealing increasing bonus magic damage. Allies' immobilizing effects help stack Plasma. Additionally, Kai'Sa's item purchases upgrade her basic spells to have more powerful properties.
CC supports utilize Kai'sa passive more than enchantress supports. Kai'sa can stomp lane, keep that in mind!

Q - Icathian Rain: Kai'Sa shoots a swarm of missiles that seek out nearby targets. Living Weapon: Icathian Rain is upgraded to shoot more missiles. Q is your first upgrade and is a huge spike! Fighting in isolation makes kai'sa a great 1v1 champ. Also this makes her wave clear insanely fast! Use a auto before using Q to cancel the animation.

W - Void Seeker: Kai'Sa shoots a long range missile, marking enemies with her passive. Living Weapon: Void Seeker is upgraded to apply more passive marks and reduce cooldown on champion hit. This is your last upgrade and if you skip nashors you wont get this upgrade! This is really good for poke before teamfights and also bursting the enemy. Use W - Q to cancel the animation and for quickest burst.

E - Supercharge: Kai'Sa briefly increases her movement speed, then increases her attack speed. Living Weapon: Supercharge is upgraded to briefly grant Invisibility. This is your 2nd upgrade and is my favourite upgrade! Becareful when you use E as you cannot autoattack or use abilities while charging. Typically use this when avoiding skillshots or running away from a gank. U can use Q - E, your q will be firing while you are charging! Typically use this when kiting away.

R - Killer instinct: Kai'Sa dashes near an enemy champion. This sheilds you and is a auto reset! Use this to reposition in fights or dive backline to help your front line!
General Guide
Pros and cons of locking Kai'sa


- Versatile [can go AD or AP]
- Great late game scaling
- Stealth
- Can dive backline
- Poke with W


- Hard to learn/master
- Short range
- Weak early game

Lane Phase:

Kai'sa has quite a weak lane phase but she has a lot of burst which can land you a free kill unexpectedly! You have a good trade in lane with [ auto - Q ] so try not to use Q on minions as much. You run out of mana quite quickly on kai'sa so be careful! Look for times where the enemy ADC or supp is standing in isolation to get a isolated Q and auto on them! It is huge damage and if you have Q upgrade its even more. I mostly play off my support landing CC as that allows you to get your passive off. W - Q - E and hail of blades autos allow for a fast burst. The main problem with kai'sa players is that they use W and Q on cooldown and waste their mana. Focus on using auto attacks to last hit as it will conserve your mana. The main objective of kai'sa in laning phase is to get out of it as you are a teamfighting adc. Push down the enemy tower for plating and look to stack your manamune as fast as possible!

Team Fighting:

Team fighting as kai'sa takes a lot of confidence and game knowledge, it can make or break the fight depending on how you utilize your ultimate. Unlike most ADC's kai'sa has to be focused on all parts of the fight, not just attacking whats closest to her. Having good awareness about whats going on infront of you and in the enemy's backline is vital! No other ADC can go from your own teams backline to the enemy teams backline! Which is why i love kai'sa so much! Before you have your E upgrade it is very hard to dive the backline as you can just get one shot, so before that you should focus on playing backline of your own team and using R to reposition or for the sheild if you need it! When diving the backline, choosing where and when to R is important, for where: you want to pick a spot where you can get a isolated Q on the enemy carry and burst them! For when: the best time is when the enemy carry is so focused on kiting your front line that they will get caught of guard by you ulting in. This all comes with experience and when learning kai'sa you may lose games for your teams by doing this but its the best way to learn! Trial and error.
Dont forget about your W, at the start of fights you are able to get a lot of poke off with it and even more when its upgraded!
Difference between AP and AD:
AD will be focusing more on auto attacks to deal damage and AP is focusing on burst damage with Q and W with your passive. Kai'sa is versatile which makes her great!

Lane phase:
- Dont waste mana on using W and Q on minions too much
- Play off you supports CC
- Get out of lane phase as quick as possible
- Use Q and W with your supports CC for a lot of burst damage

Team Fighting:
- Know when do dive backline and self peel!
- Be aware of whats infront of you and the enemy's backline
- Use W before fights to poke
- When diving backline try to position for a isolated Q
Build & Runes
Kaisa main build at the moment is Crit. Alot of kite potential with E constantly being up. By far the best build.

On hit is another build path when vs really tanky teams. Kraken - Blade of the ruined king - Rageblade - Nashors tooth - Wits end. With attack speed boots. It is viable and very good when you are fighting front to back teamfights.
Tips & Tricks
Q before E so you arent doing 0 DPS while supercharging.
R is a auto reset, so auto - R - auto is a combo
W animation can be cancelled with Q, so you can W - Q - E for maximum efficiency.
Q does more damage when the enemy is isolated

Q upgrade comes around Galeforce and a pickaxe
E upgrade comes around after finsishing nashors
W upgrade comes around when you finish nashors!

this all depends on how high lvl you are. If you are a higher lvl than usual they can come sooner.
Guide updated to Season 14!

patch 14.1:
no changes

patch 14.2:
no changes

patch 14.3:
rageblade buff making onhit build more viable, but for now im preferring navori crit.

patch 14.4:
R range increased, nice buff for kaisa

patch 14.5:
updated builds

patch 14.6:
navori buff good. Terminus > ldr still for kaisa

patch 14.7:
no changes.

patch 14.8:
Q ad ratio increase, AD kaisa much stronger

patch 14.9:
no changes

patch 14.10:
updated builds and runes

patch 14.11:
no changes

patch 14.12:
no changes

patch 14.13:
no changes

patch 14.14:
no changes
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tokyodamonsta
tokyodamonsta Kai'Sa Guide
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[Season 14] Kai'sa High Elo Guide!

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