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Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Champion Lore
Born to a clan whose members have decorated the ranks of the Kinkou for generations, Shen was trained his entire life to become the Eye of Twilight, and thereupon to dispassionately determine what must be done in the interests of equilibrium. As his final trial to ascend to this position, he was made to attend the Takanu, a ceremony in which his father was tortured before his eyes to test his resolve. Any reaction whatsoever would have resulted in his immediate disqualification, but he never averted his gaze and never blinked, not once. As the Eye of Twilight, Shen must make decisions which would buckle the wills of ordinary men, removing all emotion from the equation. He now works with his fellows Akali and Kennen to enforce the balance of Valoran. This hallowed pursuit has unsurprisingly led the triumvirate to the Fields of Justice.
"The Eye of Twilight sees not the despair of its victims, only the elegance of equilibrium."
(Passive)-KI Strike- (Innate): Every 8 seconds, Shen's next attack will deal bonus magic damage equal to 10 + (5 x level) + (8% of his bonus health). Whenever an enemy champion hits Shen with a basic attack, the cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.
-Use Ki Strike it last hit_
Q -Vorpal Blade- (Active): Shen throws a sword to a target unit dealing magic damage . That unit becomes life tapped for 5 seconds, healing any champions who attack it over 3 seconds. The attacker's healing duration is refreshed each time the life tapped unit is struck again.
- Does a decent amount of damage at latter ranks and good for harassment and last hitting-
W -Feint- (Active): Shen enters a defensive stance, receiving a shield that lasts up to 2.5 seconds or until it is destroyed.
-Really ****ty not really good at all-
E -Shadow Dash- (Active): Shen rapidly dashes to a target location, Taunting enemies he collides with. Restores 50 energy if you hit a champion.
-Save your energy for taunt it is game changing and it wins team fights (Can use to go through walls and terrain) -
R -Stand United- (Active): Places a shield on a target allied champion, which will absorb damage for 7.5 seconds. After channeling for 2.5 seconds, Shen teleports to the target's location.
-You need to be on look out as soon as you hit 6. Only port if you can save the person. Don't port if its a 1v5, 2v5, 3v5 unless your team is near-
You want to taunt almost always when you port to get people off your carry or whoever.
REMEMBER: You CAN port to the person next to you.
-Use Ki Strike it last hit_
Q -Vorpal Blade- (Active): Shen throws a sword to a target unit dealing magic damage . That unit becomes life tapped for 5 seconds, healing any champions who attack it over 3 seconds. The attacker's healing duration is refreshed each time the life tapped unit is struck again.
- Does a decent amount of damage at latter ranks and good for harassment and last hitting-
W -Feint- (Active): Shen enters a defensive stance, receiving a shield that lasts up to 2.5 seconds or until it is destroyed.
-Really ****ty not really good at all-
E -Shadow Dash- (Active): Shen rapidly dashes to a target location, Taunting enemies he collides with. Restores 50 energy if you hit a champion.
-Save your energy for taunt it is game changing and it wins team fights (Can use to go through walls and terrain) -
R -Stand United- (Active): Places a shield on a target allied champion, which will absorb damage for 7.5 seconds. After channeling for 2.5 seconds, Shen teleports to the target's location.
-You need to be on look out as soon as you hit 6. Only port if you can save the person. Don't port if its a 1v5, 2v5, 3v5 unless your team is near-
You want to taunt almost always when you port to get people off your carry or whoever.
REMEMBER: You CAN port to the person next to you.
Exhaust - Good for the slow and to keep the other teams carry or dps from hurting as much
Ignite - Good for Mundo or any heath regn champs, good for getting people at low health
IMPORTANT: If you are 1v1 and the person in tower range, and you have at least rank 2 or 3 taunt
taunt/exhaust/ignite combo will almost kill them or will kill them.
Ignite - Good for Mundo or any heath regn champs, good for getting people at low health
IMPORTANT: If you are 1v1 and the person in tower range, and you have at least rank 2 or 3 taunt
taunt/exhaust/ignite combo will almost kill them or will kill them.
Doran's Shield:Great first for lane stability
Merc treads:Tenacity and MR
Heart of gold:Extra gold and health(a little more damage on your Ki Strike)
Negatron: Added MR
Wardens mail:Armor and slow on attack effect (works on your taunt) (you can actually slow creep waves)
Giant's Belt:Health/Ki Strike Damage
Randuin's:Active slow/heath/CDR
FoN:8% movement speed, MR, and the crazy heath regn (makes you stay in lane longer)
Sunfire:You look cool and the armor and health is a great combo
Quicksilver Sash:To get the debuffs off of you as well as MR
Sell your shield get a Warmogs for more health/health regn/Ki strike damage
Merc treads:Tenacity and MR
Heart of gold:Extra gold and health(a little more damage on your Ki Strike)
Negatron: Added MR
Wardens mail:Armor and slow on attack effect (works on your taunt) (you can actually slow creep waves)
Giant's Belt:Health/Ki Strike Damage
Randuin's:Active slow/heath/CDR
FoN:8% movement speed, MR, and the crazy heath regn (makes you stay in lane longer)
Sunfire:You look cool and the armor and health is a great combo
Quicksilver Sash:To get the debuffs off of you as well as MR
Sell your shield get a Warmogs for more health/health regn/Ki strike damage
Save Shadow Dash to save team.
You can Shadow Dash to initiate the team fight but you must get someone that is out of position.
Your Feint does nothing.
You can KS like a boss with your Vorpal Blade or Ki strike(not that i recommend it but it will happen)
Remember the active on your Randuin's Omen
This is my first build I'm sorry if i didnt go to much into detail.
You can Shadow Dash to initiate the team fight but you must get someone that is out of position.
Your Feint does nothing.
You can KS like a boss with your Vorpal Blade or Ki strike(not that i recommend it but it will happen)
Remember the active on your Randuin's Omen
This is my first build I'm sorry if i didnt go to much into detail.
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