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Ability Order
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
No body buys a rune set for one character. No one. These are the ones i picked. If you play tanks you may have picked simmilar. I picked all health and regen seals because this goes off the Atma's Impaler for more dmg. And i <3 health regen. AD and crit runes for last hits to build up life from enrage. CD runes for that shield. Saved my sorry butt more than a few times. and Mana runes to supplement his sorry exuse for a mana pool. (Puddle)
Regrow pendant first with a helth pot for more early laneing survivability. Get warmog early to start giving it stacks and maximise life. Then get the Ninja Tabi for your boots and get that dodge chance up. This has also save me many times. Atma's Impaler will give you more dmg potental so your ult and enrage work better. Then get another warmog to get more lift and do more dmg. Force of Nature for the resist and more regen. A Lot more regen. Finaly another warmog for even more life. You can replace a warmog with things like randian's omen or frozen heart. If fighting a DPS team dont get force of nature. Get a Thornmail. If fighting mages get the Force before the second warmog.
Enrage is the best most importent skill you have. The bonus dmg is substansial and it really helps late game. The shield is good for laneing and can save your butt. the stun is good because it has desent range and a substantal length. it wont do lots of dmg and wont increase the stun length so dont lvl it more than you have to. Canablisim is fan freaking tastic. It gives you tons of live steal and you hit harder. It's also good for pushing turrets.
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