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Sion Build Guide by JimDaSupport

Sion: Your Favourite Giant

Sion: Your Favourite Giant

Updated on March 19, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JimDaSupport Build Guide By JimDaSupport 1,532 Views 0 Comments
1,532 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JimDaSupport Sion Build Guide By JimDaSupport Updated on March 19, 2012
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Hybrid Sion is Hybrid...If you know what I'm sayin' ;)
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I go flat with all of my champs because i think it's better than "per level" runes.
I take a little bit of everything and concentrate more to MR because my build doesn't give a lot of it.
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18/12/0 => Giving a little bit of AD , AP , AS , CDR , MR , Armor and Reduced AoE Damage.
You will need this to make not only Sion , but everyone Hybrid.
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One time i thought... *If sion is a good Tank,a Good DPS and a Good AP...Why wouldn't he be played one of everything?*
So i tried it out and got a decent score with it (26/3/11) in a 3v3.
Then I thought I should create a build for it.
So here it is. See it... Learn it... Love it...
Pick an Amplifying Tome and some pots.
Continue with Ninja Tabi or Merc's Treads(depending on your lane enemies).
Buy Sheen, then Zeal , Phage to finish your TRINITY FORCE!!!(the reason you pick Trinity for your first item is because you're Hybrid SION and you don't give a Sh*t)
Then go to Trinity Force and upgrade Zeal , Phage and Sheen to Phantom Dancer , Frozen Mallet and Lich Bane
Continue with your Force of Nature and finish your ThornMail for the tanky part of your game.
When you finish your Build take every Elixir alot off times.
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I hope you do well with my build.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JimDaSupport
JimDaSupport Sion Guide
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Sion: Your Favourite Giant

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