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Skarner Build Guide by legolinho

Skarner - tanky DPS

Skarner - tanky DPS

Updated on August 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author legolinho Build Guide By legolinho 4,248 Views 0 Comments
4,248 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author legolinho Skarner Build Guide By legolinho Updated on August 11, 2011
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Pro / Cons

- good solo / jungle
- amazing survivability because of selfheal and absorbshield
- awesome support with the ultimate

- mana intensive
- easy to kill, if your are stunned
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Summoner Spells

My choice
: Always a good choice
: Very good for survival or in combat

: Could save your life in some situations
: Perfectly against heal / finish
: Excellent for defend or gank
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Energize : Reduces your cooldowns on abilitys for every hit. 0.5s for non-champs and 1s if you attack champs.
: Damage all enemys around you. After you use you will get energy for 5s. If you use in this time again, it will deal extra damage.
: Very hard absorbshield with attackspeed and movementspeed bonus while its active on you.
: Damages and marks all enemys in a row. After you hit the marked enemys you get heal for every marked target. First you should use and than .
: One of the best skills to support. The target is completly out of combat for 1.5s and you can drag it near to your teammates / to your torret. If you want to save the life of your mate(s) you can drag it out of range.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author legolinho
legolinho Skarner Guide
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Skarner - tanky DPS

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