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Fizz Build Guide by Fourthewin

Assassin Snowball

Assassin Snowball

Updated on September 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fourthewin Build Guide By Fourthewin 4,281 Views 3 Comments
4,281 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fourthewin Fizz Build Guide By Fourthewin Updated on September 23, 2012
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Fizz is basically one of the best mids in the game. Fizz is also the greatest towerdiver in the game. Fizz is very easy to play and hard to shutdown.
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You need normal ap runes for fizz flat ap quints and glyphs, ap penetration marks and magic resist seals.
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This build doesn't work all the time early game, but when it does your unstoppable. I like to start boots 3 with 3-4 dorans ring when i go back and if i can get ionian boots so my cooldowns are faster. Fill the last slot after you have your boots and 4 dorans rings with a neelessly large rod then build that into a rabadons(no selling yet). So you get the passive with the ap you have. then sell a dorans ring for a sheen repeat this basically until your full build is done feel free to sell the dorans for items with more ap.
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Skill Sequence

Basically as Fizz you want to level your q first to max at 9 for that harrass your e is your get away so be sure to run in with your q jump with your e when tower diving.
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Pros / Cons

[*] Easy to learn
[*] One of the best mids
[*] Never ban in games usally
[*] Snowballs after 3 kills
[*] Carrys mega hard
[*] Ult does tons of damage
[*] Squishy
[*] If not fed is useless
[*] If pushed to tower is useless
[*] Can't dish out tons of damage early
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fourthewin
Fourthewin Fizz Guide
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