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Ability Order
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Very difficult matchup. Try to save condemn for when he jumps on you as he will probably use his E ability to dodge all of your basic shots. Be very aggressive early game, but passive mid game. Late game, with the build, is an easy fight for Vayne.
I'm currently Plat 4 on my main, but this season my peak has been Plat 1.
As you can see from my smurf ^^ I have an 83% win rate with a 3:28 KDA as Vayne top lane with this build.
This build is purely a kiting and 1v5ing build. The omen kicks in when someone gets close. Just active it and tumble away while following that up with a condemn. It is very difficult, even champions with gap closers, to keep up with you with this build. I like to think of it as a backdoor bruiser type build.
Add my smurf Veterenmantis if you have any questions or concerns.
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