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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by smiggle



Updated on June 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author smiggle Build Guide By smiggle 1,613 Views 0 Comments
1,613 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author smiggle Dr. Mundo Build Guide By smiggle Updated on June 11, 2012
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CREATING THE MONSTER (learning your charecter)

1000 hp - 15 hp/5sec or 3 hp/sec
2000 hp - 30 hp/5sec or 6 hp/sec
3000 hp - 45 hp/5sec or 9 hp/sec

This is your main early game damage it is a skill shot that does really good damage when leveled
This is your aoe damage ability it is s toggle so dont forget to turn it of when you are done or it will drain your health
THis is my least favorite mundo ability because it is not that good until late game you activate it when you are in a 1v1 or it is great when pushing a turret
Mundos notorious health Regen ability it basically regens you to full health when lvled it can heal for tuns hit points
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Early game farming is key for mundo your main goal early game is to get yourand your after this you have basicaly one early game if you are ahead on minions and lvls. When farming minions you should either last hit with your auto atack or use yourand for minion waves use this is your main farming ability
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So first i grab myafter that i buy then just go with the main items if the have a ap heavy team just buy another warmogs instead of thornmail.
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Pros / Cons

good laner top
amazing turret dives
super tanky
late game is too good

bad early game befor ult
is limited to top or jungle
early game health based skill shots can end you
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League of Legends Build Guide Author smiggle
smiggle Dr. Mundo Guide
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