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Recommended Items
Runes: Vs Low Range and Mobility (easy FS Procs)
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Spells 1
Ability Order
Gathering Fire (PASSIVE)
Karma Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Laning Phase
Karma on Toplane is pretty easy laning Phase csing is kinda difficult bc of no early damage to minions. tho she has a really good sustain and Poke, similar to Vladimir but she has worse csing if u are not good on csing with her but better Poke and she is decent against Ranged. Back on around 1300 Gold (buy lost Chapter and potion) and simply tp back to lane. Most of the time u can outsustain enemy Laner 2 times. just care to use much Mana on killing Minions. First Item u go Malignance and from then on its easy if u get ganked u simply just pop Ghost qr enemy laner and w the jungler with a bit of dodging u should be able to get out easily, u can even look for a 2v1 angle.
Teamfights Midgame
in midgame u should look to be around everytime u cna have a huge impact simple pop ghost and run around them even faster then zeri deal as much dmg as u can and Protect ur carries if u arent the dmg carry with full dmg build.
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