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Garen Build Guide by scotty2412

Spin to win

Spin to win

Updated on July 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author scotty2412 Build Guide By scotty2412 1,878 Views 0 Comments
1,878 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author scotty2412 Garen Build Guide By scotty2412 Updated on July 29, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



This build is all about using garens strike spin combo ulti combo while also making him a bit more stronger to handle team fights or ganks
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this is my basic AD rune set armor pen and cooldowns dont need explaing attack speed is for team fights so you can still put out some damages at a decent rate while spin is on cool down
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always start of with basic boots to get some speed to catch that one hit guy trying to make it to tower ot trying to run to tower yourself. early game a BF sword will make his spin tear uo one spin can kill early game with a bf sword. By now any 1 on 1 the other player is gonna start running this is why you get boots of swiftness to chase down all the people that run from you sowrd of justice. i get last whisper over black cleaver because it does constant armor pen which helps garrens spin even more. sunfire cape do i need to tell you why, dot damage while in you spin, at this point you should start being able to nearly kill enemy champs with just your strike and spin combo. infinity edge 80 atk and crits every where, spins just are to op now by now you should be taking out whole minion waves with a spin. atma's more armor and damage nuff said. by now your doing just under 300 atk damage and now with warmogs it will go to about 320 atk when full stacked. now you can replace your boots with something else if you want tri force phantom dancer your choice.
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this build is all about the q e r combo very rarely be using auto attack so that is why i go last whisper ahead of black cleaver. i upgrade my skills in the oreder of spin strike courage but at level 4 i go to max out spin first courage second and strike last.
i use exhaust to counter garens lack of speed and ignite to get that guy who runs away with like 20 health after my demarcian justice was used just a bit to early. i spend alot of time in bushes early game to let the enemy over extend and i block their path to tower.

lane partners any one with a snare (lux, morgona) or stun (panteon sion) to make it easier to do more damage with spi.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author scotty2412
scotty2412 Garen Guide
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