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Kayle Build Guide by XxBlazerxX1010

Support Support Kayle is the new meta against assassins and mages?

Support Support Kayle is the new meta against assassins and mages?

Updated on June 10, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XxBlazerxX1010 Build Guide By XxBlazerxX1010 4,814 Views 0 Comments
4,814 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author XxBlazerxX1010 Kayle Build Guide By XxBlazerxX1010 Updated on June 10, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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Buff your allies and keep them safe, while lowering your enemies stats with support kayle.
Be that angel that kayle is, by providing your allies with strong heals and an ult that saves your squishy allies like for example, that fed Kogmaw on your team.

My league username is XxBLAZERxX10 just and FYI.:D

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Kayle is good at preventing mages and assassin's from snowballing since her ult can counter their rotation of spells and her w can heal your allies back up to full health in no time.

Kayle is also good at chasing since her w scales with ap meaning the more ap the more movement speed, her q also stacks with ap and trust me the slow on her q when you have your full build is disgusting, from past games I have seen multiples times when I q their ad carries when their out of position with my slow they either end up flashing or using cleanse or quick silver since the slow last for a long time in the late game.
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Kayle is countered by hard crowd control. If kayle is stunned this means she won't be able to use her actives which provides shields,heal,cleanses,and invulnerability Crowd Control renders Kayle useless since her job as a support is to keep allies safe and prevent potential feeding from allies or and herself.
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Team Work

When planning for a team fight always pay attention to your positioning you want to stand behind your allies or in the middle of them so they can protect you as you dish out heals,movement speed,cleanses, damage buffs, and invulnerability to your allies. If your successful with your positioning you can find your self winning every team fight with your team since you basically make your allies tanks that can do too much damage. Remember you do not want to go head first in a team fight since you might get bursted instantly. Also you want to remain as hidden possible when a team fight commences so you do not get focused first.
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Womb combos

Kayle's ult,heals, and build goes great with the following champions: fiddle sticks ult plus kayle's can make for an awesome play since the enemy cannot stop fiddlesticks from walking in and doing massive AOE damage since he is invulnerable because of kayle's ult, cleansing fiddlesticks plus the kayle ult provides little to no counter play since they cannot cc him either. The same goes with wukong,Yasuo,orianna,fiora, and nunu's ultimate.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XxBlazerxX1010
XxBlazerxX1010 Kayle Guide
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Support Kayle is the new meta against assassins and mages?

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