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Darius can easily shred through Poppy's armor with his E Passive, making him difficult to challenge. Make sure there's another teammate around to assist you in taking down this big boi.
Amumu does percentile damage, ignoring some Magic Resist and slowing you down with his insane CC and stuns. His Q can be stopped by your E, but it's wise to wait for your ADC or teammate to engage first, making it much easier to finish or heavily wound this tank.
Alistar can be stopped with Poppy's E, but he can still follow you and end up stunning you, the best option is to try E'ing him into a wall to stun him and allow the ADC to get some pokes in.
Poppy's W can stop lanterns from returning to Thresh, making it easy to stop the ADC from getting recovering.
Poppy's W can prevent Braum from protecting his ADC with his W, keeping them exposed to damage for a little longer.
Pyke's E is a dash. Therefore when he attempts to hook and stun you, you should be able to block him with ease. Though he is not very difficult to face by yourself, your adc is still in danger due to his W, keeping him hidden from vision
Sona's high poke capabilities can keep you from engaging without taking much damage in early and late stages of the game. It's best to try and stay behind minions and wait for her and her ADC to engage first, then you might be able to stun her against a wall and Q her HP away.
Laning with Janna on the opposition can vary on two things, what skill level they and how good you are at dodging tornadoes. Because Janna's Q is quite fast and dishes out decent Magic Damage at early stages, she is still quite frail and can be taken into a wall for a beating.
Lulu has a little less poke capability than Sona, but can still buff her ADC exponentially. You should engage her first to leave the ADC without a support that can heal and shield them
Tahm Kench
Tahm can literally swallow you, it's best to keep your distance from him unless he attempts to Q you. When he Q's you, that'll be your opportunity to try and stun him against a wall and use the good old Q to take his HP down.
Taric gives his ADC a shield and can occasionally heal them. He can sometimes be difficult to engage on with his E during early stages. The real difficulty is with his R, it keeps you from dealing damage with your Q and prevents the adc from poking at them while you're keeping them still.
Nami's stun and poke advantage can keep you and your ADC from farming. Only engage when the opponents are too pushed in lane so their escape can be cut short by Poppy's E and Q.
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