No matter which lane he is, respect his roams and invisible callouts from teammates. He has more ambush potential than you as a Soraka would have counterplay.
If you happen to get ambushed by him, let him do his burst before his grappling hook, provided you are at a higher HP. When he finishes swinging, he typically doesn't continue to move to finish you off, so drop Starcall and Equinox on his landing position and try to run or turn on him!
Alistar is a solid support matchup against Soraka later on in the laning phase, but Soraka should ABSOLUTELY win at level 1. Alistar thrives on his knockup combo, and can only execute that at level 2. Get as much poke out on either him or his co-laner at level 1 to set the tone of the lane. Do keep in mind that he does have a passive heal every 7 stacks of his Triumphant Roar, so expect some heals to counter your poke!
Mid-late game Alistar should be difficult to deal with if you are caught out, but if he focuses your allies, all should be well as he will not build damage to outright kill your team. Redemption is a great item to mitigate his and his team's burst if you need a good first or second item.
I wish this support pick wasn't a thing, but we have to deal with it! Ashe support is meant to poke and run you down with slows early on, so DO respect her! Stay behind minions and run away from her when she approaches. She's fairly squishy so you should be able to out-sustain her in lane when you land enough Starcalls, but do not underestimate her.
If she is ADC, treat her as a bigger threat depending on support matchup. Her slows are a great combination with engage supports, which usually should lead to near-instant kills. Best bet is once again stay behind minions and trade when abilities are down!
Bard is similar in threat level to Blitzcrank, but for more than just kill pressure. Bard can either bully hard in lane or leave lane to apply pressure elsewhere on the map. This makes your decision-making much harder for your early game, as you have to try and either freeze your wave and deny the enemy bot laner gold and EXP, shove wave and go for tower, or match Bard's roams. There is a lot you can do to mitigate his pressure, but keep in mind that he can also cross walls with teammates. Use deep wards in bushes to try and figure out where he may be coming from and help your team predict his roam patterns.
One of the best counters to Soraka, Blitzcrank can run through your abilities when he empowers himself with his W and crowd control you with his E into hook (Q) if you get caught. Your best bet is to run and keep your distance, second best scenario is to let your allies get focused by him. You can most likely bail out your teammates when Blitz has them in his grasp, but there is more than likely little chance to survive when you get focused by him. Use the Guardian rune page to survive laning phase against him!
Consistent burn damage from Brand can be hard to work against, but your trade pattern is fairly even with him if you step up after he uses his stun and misses. Don't be afraid to bully him in lane. The biggest problem with Brand is having to deal with his scaling. If you shut him down early as a support, he will not be able to out-damage your heals!
Laning into a Caitlyn ADC is tough because she outranges nearly everyone's auto attacks. Don't let her chip you in lane and wait for her to auto attack your ally or go for farm before you try to land Qs. If you miss a Q, she can take the opportunity to run you down before going back to farming!
Ezreal poke is deceptively painful if you let it add up. Stay behind minions and avoid his W-E combo if you can help it. Poking him may not be the best option as well because his spell casts are a lot quicker than yours. If you cannot hurt him, make his support mess up first so that he might end up alone!
This character in the support lane is a joke to Soraka until you don't let him be one. Have your co-laner clear turrets while you heal them. Heimerdinger should NEVER catch you unless he takes a position you absolutely are unaware of. Heimerdinger's poke is frustrating, but his burst is even more devastating when executed correctly.
Karma's recent buffs to her Q makes fighting against her tough. High poke in damage and frequency makes your sustain much more needed than in other matchups. Don't overextend yourself, though, to land Starcalls if you are taking damage and barely getting any returns.
Karma may also bait your Starcall with casting her shield (E) on herself and running out of it, so think about that as well before landing an ability.
Save your Equinox for her ult. PLEASE. That's all.
A strong burst ADC, Lucian is also quite agile and is happy to avoid your skillshots. His Q is also an ability that cuts through a wave, so be careful of your positioning. If he runs at you, Starcall on his approach so that your escape is easier. Leading your shots is important against this bully!
His ultimate is a consistent ability, so Equinox is a great counter for it if you place it just right on him! Even if he steps in it for a brief second, his ultimate will stop!
Lux is a strong counter due to her long range casts making it hard to trade back on even footing. Your best advantage to handling her is to poke her when her abilities are down. If she misses her Q, try and push her out with your own Starcall. If that is not possible, just focus on surviving lane. She won't be able to full combo and kill your teammates without a kill lead from laning phase.
Morgana support is frustrating to get hit by binds, but in the reality of the matchup, you should win by all accounts if you are simply poke trading. Morgana wins through all-in potential after landing bind, and Soraka wins through the longer fights!
Morgana also typically does not max Black Shield (E) until mid or late game, so you as a Soraka player can whittle that down quite easily with Starcall and Equinox together, making the wielder of the Black Shield most likely available to be crowd controlled if they aren't already through your silence!
Nautilus rarely is affected by your poke with his W shield being readily available on a short cooldown early game. He can walk up to you or your allies and land hook, closing the gap and making it hard to escape. Good practice against him is to stay behind minions and continue poking him with Starcall, saving your Equinox for his allies to stop their pursuit on you. Nautilus has multiple forms of crowd control, but his damage alone will not beat your healing if casted properly!
Although my rating is an even matchup for Soraka, Pyke is a fairly devastating threat, He can move quickly and trick your team in bushes or with his camouflage. Make sure to respect his abilities and give yourself some room from him. If the enemy Pyke is far from you, he will channel hook to try and catch you or a teammate. Save your Equinox to stop his hook channel. If he engages on you with his E and Equinox is up, you can Starcall into Equinox to make his escape much harder!
Soraka is also a great counter to Pyke because you can negate his ult with a well timed heal or ultimate heal from yourself!
Also, keep effective wards in bushes that your enemy Pyke camps in. Vision stops his grey healing, so you'll make him hesitate on where to rest.
An even worse Katarina. SAVE EQUINOX FOR HER ULT!!
Senna is a fairly even matchup, but she scales better if you trade too much with her in lane. Your best bet is to avoid getting hit by two auto attacks or an auto-into-Q combo from her when she approaches you. Her damage will be stressful to deal with, but second wind is a great rune to mitigate that issue overall.
Later on in the game, her auto attacks should be of the same pace as your healing output, so if she is even items with you, you should have your team overpower her if you don't let her get ahead. Pick up Boots of Swiftness if you don't want her to slow you. Ardent Censer if you want your allies to outdamage her or Redemption to simply keep yourself alive while you spam heals on your team. Senna can also heal her team, but they aren't as strong as yours. She will also most likely not pick up any heal and shield power, so play for the longer and sustainable fights!
Tahm Kench
I wasn't thinking of putting Tahm Kench on my threat list.. but for the rare occasion that you play against this in bot lane, you literally counter him. If he ever tries to use his dive on you in vision, just Equinox him. He's practically useless for the window that it is down, and you will most likely have Equinox ready by the time he wants to use it again!
Thresh has a very strong crowd control presence, but low damage output due to him simply bursting with his combos. His attacks will not dominate compared to his co-laner's in the early game, so if he is to hook your co-laner, throw Equinox towards the enemy bot laner. Upon doing this, you will end up isolating the two of them or making their engage potential weaker, and you can outheal them in trading! If you happen to get hooked yourself, expect to do as much as you can to save yourself!
An even matchup that is more annoying than challenging to play, take second wind and maybe a refillable potion into this lane! Zyra will always bully with ranged plants no matter the scenario and seek for roots from bushes. Play to avoid the roots more than you would avoid anything else, because the slows from the melee plants make it even harder to escape afterwards.
Zyra falls off mid-late game against Soraka, so do your best to play safe in lane and the game should be in your favor!
One of my absolute favorite matchups, Aphelios and Soraka are late game monsters together!
When laning with Aphelios, your best guns to work with him are when he has red gun out or purple gun. All guns work well with Soraka but these two make him a heavy threat. If you can help him land root on purple gun, you can follow up with your Equinox to create a devastating lane combo and a potential kill!
Don't prioritize kills, though. Help Aphelios farm. Two items on this character make him impossible to fight against head on, especially when your massive heals keep him up!
Ashe slows and her ult make for amazing trades in lane and in teamfights. You don't have to move much and your enemies will ideally run from the constant stream of damage that comes from Ashe. Not only does Ashe have good chase potential, but you can help her disengage because of the layered slows that you and her have.
If you are chasing enemies with Ashe, throw Equinox in front of where the enemies are running if they are choosing to escape. It will force your target to panic and potentially change directions, which may allow you more time for auto attacking from you and Ashe!
Caitlyn and Soraka are a very good combo because both of you typically outrange your enemies. Plus Caitlyn has reasonable impairment abilities to help set up for big trades or successful wins.
Don't panic if Caitlyn also gets engaged on, as she has her traps and her leap from her net to disengage relatively well. Focus on keeping her alive by landing your abilities and she should come out alive!
A low-cc combination is not going to stop Draven from dealing a lot of damage! If you keep him healthy, he can run at his enemies with greater threat than your opponents may be able to handle. The long game is your best bet, but do not be afraid to tank a skillshot for him so that he can go all-out and collect a bounty! Even if he does land his displacement ability, follow up with Starcall plus Equinox. You most likely will claim bounties and allow Draven to snowball!! League of Draaaaaaven and Soraka!
Ezreal and Soraka as a bot lane duo is decent, but low crowd-control. Your main focus is to poke and kite over full engages. Ezreal has many opportunities to be confident though with big heals from Soraka, so keep him topped off so he can try for some crazy W-E comboes!
Note that roaming as Soraka can be done with an Ezreal ADC if he is ahead! Ezreal's escape and long-range farming allows him to be tough to catch.
If you happen to lane with a Hwei APC, take your time and be patient! Focus on poke and know that your late game is where you both thrive! But don't be shy to land your Equinox on the enemies that he crowd controls. Your layered AOEs are devastating to deal with. Just know that Hwei is very squishy, so keeping him at half HP would not be ideal, because he takes more damage than you can heal early on.
Soraka is typically meant to scale and thrive in the late game, but securing early kills with Jhin is probably one of the most satisfying things a Soraka player can ever do! Aim for big poke and help your Jhin root with his W, even if you just simply walk up and throw an auto. His root into your Equinox is devastating to the enemies, and Jhin's 4th shot damage is very hard to trade against. With your heals, your lane should be nearly impossible to contest! Jhin is another champion you can allow to get caught and you turn around fights with your heals.
Position around Jhin's traps if you happen to be threatened by any engage champions. You can try and trade on top of Jhin's traps because they have to either commit and take the damage there, or try to reposition! It should give you time to reposition yourself with Rejuvenation movement speed!
i personally enjoy Soraka with Jinx because of how the late game runs with this combination. Early game is relatively rough, but Jinx is similar to Draven in snowball potential. One kill or one objective take allows Jinx to have her passive activate and sprint at her enemies. This chase potential coupled by Soraka heals makes her a crazy glass cannon. Peeling for her with Rejuvenation movement speed and Equinox to give her space allows Jinx's ramping with Lethal Tempo to be unmatched!
Kai'sa has no crowd control, but has high burst damage in the laning phase. She typically wants to get her passive off on her enemies, and can sometimes be discouraged based on trade patterns. Soraka Starcall into Rejuvenation movespeed increase for Kai'sa should help her trade better and land more passive procs!
Kalista and Soraka have little synergy together but have great chase potential when Starcall lands. Focus on setting that up over anything, because Kalista has no peel power for you. Thankfully, if you are her Black Spear target, she can help you escape when you're caught in a bad position.. or you can knock up enemies by using Kalista ult and then follow up with Equinox!!
Kog'Maw and Soraka early game is relatively weak because you have no synergy in the early game. But, like any other champion that thrives in late game scaling, Kog'Maw can continue running at his enemies with his empowered autos if you peel and kite well with him! Be patient in laning phase and play to his comforts. Don't try to set anything up that might risk your death, because he cannot save you in any way, shape or form.
Lucian does better with bully or engage supports, but he does have the potential to be the bully himself in order to place his lead. Let the enemies engaged on by Lucian and keep him alive. Lucian's mobility and burst are hard to contest around levels 2 and 3, so as long as you let him be aggressive and you play relatively safe, he should be able to output damage.
If you choose to play more aggressive, know that you can help him get closer by landing strong Qs for him to chase. Don't overextend though, Lucian has no crowd control to help you!
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune has great poke with her Q and E and can chase well with her movement speed increase by her passive or her W activation. Help each other out in chasing or disengaging with each other's kits and you should be hard to catch!
If Miss Fortune starts stepping up after casting her E on her enemies, follow up with Starcall and see how much damage you can get off before returning to your farming positions. If you can kill, great! If not, don't worry. The space you've created with this poke is enough to be deemed a threat still.
Mid-late game, make sure you do your best to keep Miss Fortune alive and able to full cast her ultimate. Even one pick with her ult is better than none, and would be even better with Miss Fortune able to get out of casting that at full HP!
Nilah and Soraka are really strong in lane due to the healing passive that Nilah has, amplifying such casts for free. Rejuvenation heals are improved significantly on her and return some to Soraka as well! Plus, maintaining the bonus EXP that Nilah gives to both herself and her allies on last hits help you get to level 6 sooner, so you will get your ultimate faster and hopefully create a big advantage for your lane or others on the map!
Samira, similar to Nilah, has low crowd-control and very close range fighting potential. She does well in all-in positions, so keep Samira's health and her confidence up! If she full engages, move in with her and share the damage that she takes. She most likely will windwall any skill shots or damage, so staying side by side with her is a solid plan. Letting her fight solo before level 6 is not the best situation.
Senna and Soraka are virtually unkillable together! Both of them have good heals, good poke and strong disenage potential! The crowd control from these two are quite solid as well, whether Senna lands a root into your Equinox, you slow with Starcall and Senna follows up with root.. it works out well! Scaling into the mid-late game allows you both to become annoying to fight into because of the heals you both have with each other!
Although I despise laning with Seraphine APC, I cannot ignore how strong this combo is...
Seraphine has high survivability and high crowd control in all stages of the game. One of the best combinations you can run with Seraphine that is quite underrated is Soraka Starcall slow into Seraphine single E. Nobody would expect the immediate root while she can potentially cast a Q empowered with her passive double cast, or Soraka Starcall into Seraphine stunning with double E!
Mid to late game, Soraka and Seraphine are really only countered by grievous wounds. Both of their survivability makes it hard for a full 5v5 fight to go poorly, so don't get caught out in picks! Stick together, stay safe and win objectives with the high survivability!
Smolder needs time to scale, simple as that. Soraka can give that time and space, but don't push too hard to get high poke off. If anything, follow up with the slows that Smolder provides with his W, then back off. The more space you provide for Smolder for his scaling, the better your chances are for victory since he will be a strong threat to the enemy team come late game!
Swain APC is probably my favorite synergy for APCs because of his E. One strong E leads to a complete rundown of the enemy that he captures!! Swain E into Equinox, follows by Starcall and amplifying the both of you with Rejuvenation movement speed makes it difficult for the enemy to escape!
Another small tip to make Swain and Soraka work is to continue providing Rejuvenation to Swain when he is ulting. A speedy Swain in his ult usually leads to a surefire victory! He won't lose his ultimate drain and AOE if they cannot outrun him!
Varus and Soraka have great slow potential. In lane, trading patterns are really strong when you set him up with Starcall, as he can follow up with his own slow field, stack up his passive and burst. You don't even need to try and kill, just create this space so Varus can continue to farm.
Once Varus gets level 6, his ultimate into your Equinox are very hard to beat. Make sure to time your cast right so you're allowing the maximum root duration possible!
One of my favorite duo lanes, despite the fact that Vayne is quite challenging to work with.. because of her short range on autos, she cannot trade well into most matchups. In this case, you must do most of the work in poking and setting her up for success. Land Starcall, position aggressively (with caution) and give Rejuvenation to Vayne so she can chase with her three hit Silver Bolts!
I typically like to get Ardent Censer first item so that she can chase her enemies with ease, but its certainly a preference!
Veigar and Soraka lane is amazing strictly because of his E, the Cage! Whether he lands stun or simply traps his enemies within it, you can follow up easily with your abilities because of how wide the radius is on both Starcall and Equinox. Help Veigar stack his passive by following up his Cage with your kit and you should make your laning opponents uncomfortable!
Xayah and Soraka don't have the best synergy for crowd control, but Xayah utilizes Soraka's heals very well with how fast she attacks and the strength of her feathers. Be patient with Xayah in laning phase and only be very aggressive if you happen to help Xayah get a root with her feathers. Otherwise, create space just enough for her to farm safely.
The rare occasion to have Yasuo ADC is there, and winning with him is simply working with his aggression. Your best bet is to save Equinox to follow up his tornado knock-ups or to help him disengage if he gets put into a sticky situation.
Yasuo doesn't need as much healing as a typical ADC would since he has his passive shield every few seconds, but it would be reasonable to keep him as healthy as possible so it is just that much harder to kill him!
I don't like laning with Ziggs. This is mostly because he can farm with ease from far behind the wave and your poke potential is quite low on your own if he isn't going to be able to help you. There are some matchups where its easy for you both to poke heavy together, but your best bet is to play safe and rotate for your jungler when playing with a Ziggs APC!
One of my absolute favorite matchups, Aphelios and Soraka are late game monsters together!
When laning with Aphelios, your best guns to work with him are when he has red gun out or purple gun. All guns work well with Soraka but these two make him a heavy threat. If you can help him land root on purple gun, you can follow up with your Equinox to create a devastating lane combo and a potential kill!
Don't prioritize kills, though. Help Aphelios farm. Two items on this character make him impossible to fight against head on, especially when your massive heals keep him up!
Ashe slows and her ult make for amazing trades in lane and in teamfights. You don't have to move much and your enemies will ideally run from the constant stream of damage that comes from Ashe. Not only does Ashe have good chase potential, but you can help her disengage because of the layered slows that you and her have.
If you are chasing enemies with Ashe, throw Equinox in front of where the enemies are running if they are choosing to escape. It will force your target to panic and potentially change directions, which may allow you more time for auto attacking from you and Ashe!
Caitlyn and Soraka are a very good combo because both of you typically outrange your enemies. Plus Caitlyn has reasonable impairment abilities to help set up for big trades or successful wins.
Don't panic if Caitlyn also gets engaged on, as she has her traps and her leap from her net to disengage relatively well. Focus on keeping her alive by landing your abilities and she should come out alive!
A low-cc combination is not going to stop Draven from dealing a lot of damage! If you keep him healthy, he can run at his enemies with greater threat than your opponents may be able to handle. The long game is your best bet, but do not be afraid to tank a skillshot for him so that he can go all-out and collect a bounty! Even if he does land his displacement ability, follow up with Starcall plus Equinox. You most likely will claim bounties and allow Draven to snowball!! League of Draaaaaaven and Soraka!
Ezreal and Soraka as a bot lane duo is decent, but low crowd-control. Your main focus is to poke and kite over full engages. Ezreal has many opportunities to be confident though with big heals from Soraka, so keep him topped off so he can try for some crazy W-E comboes!
Note that roaming as Soraka can be done with an Ezreal ADC if he is ahead! Ezreal's escape and long-range farming allows him to be tough to catch.
If you happen to lane with a Hwei APC, take your time and be patient! Focus on poke and know that your late game is where you both thrive! But don't be shy to land your Equinox on the enemies that he crowd controls. Your layered AOEs are devastating to deal with. Just know that Hwei is very squishy, so keeping him at half HP would not be ideal, because he takes more damage than you can heal early on.
Soraka is typically meant to scale and thrive in the late game, but securing early kills with Jhin is probably one of the most satisfying things a Soraka player can ever do! Aim for big poke and help your Jhin root with his W, even if you just simply walk up and throw an auto. His root into your Equinox is devastating to the enemies, and Jhin's 4th shot damage is very hard to trade against. With your heals, your lane should be nearly impossible to contest! Jhin is another champion you can allow to get caught and you turn around fights with your heals.
Position around Jhin's traps if you happen to be threatened by any engage champions. You can try and trade on top of Jhin's traps because they have to either commit and take the damage there, or try to reposition! It should give you time to reposition yourself with Rejuvenation movement speed!
i personally enjoy Soraka with Jinx because of how the late game runs with this combination. Early game is relatively rough, but Jinx is similar to Draven in snowball potential. One kill or one objective take allows Jinx to have her passive activate and sprint at her enemies. This chase potential coupled by Soraka heals makes her a crazy glass cannon. Peeling for her with Rejuvenation movement speed and Equinox to give her space allows Jinx's ramping with Lethal Tempo to be unmatched!
Kai'sa has no crowd control, but has high burst damage in the laning phase. She typically wants to get her passive off on her enemies, and can sometimes be discouraged based on trade patterns. Soraka Starcall into Rejuvenation movespeed increase for Kai'sa should help her trade better and land more passive procs!
Kalista and Soraka have little synergy together but have great chase potential when Starcall lands. Focus on setting that up over anything, because Kalista has no peel power for you. Thankfully, if you are her Black Spear target, she can help you escape when you're caught in a bad position.. or you can knock up enemies by using Kalista ult and then follow up with Equinox!!
Kog'Maw and Soraka early game is relatively weak because you have no synergy in the early game. But, like any other champion that thrives in late game scaling, Kog'Maw can continue running at his enemies with his empowered autos if you peel and kite well with him! Be patient in laning phase and play to his comforts. Don't try to set anything up that might risk your death, because he cannot save you in any way, shape or form.
Lucian does better with bully or engage supports, but he does have the potential to be the bully himself in order to place his lead. Let the enemies engaged on by Lucian and keep him alive. Lucian's mobility and burst are hard to contest around levels 2 and 3, so as long as you let him be aggressive and you play relatively safe, he should be able to output damage.
If you choose to play more aggressive, know that you can help him get closer by landing strong Qs for him to chase. Don't overextend though, Lucian has no crowd control to help you!
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune has great poke with her Q and E and can chase well with her movement speed increase by her passive or her W activation. Help each other out in chasing or disengaging with each other's kits and you should be hard to catch!
If Miss Fortune starts stepping up after casting her E on her enemies, follow up with Starcall and see how much damage you can get off before returning to your farming positions. If you can kill, great! If not, don't worry. The space you've created with this poke is enough to be deemed a threat still.
Mid-late game, make sure you do your best to keep Miss Fortune alive and able to full cast her ultimate. Even one pick with her ult is better than none, and would be even better with Miss Fortune able to get out of casting that at full HP!
Nilah and Soraka are really strong in lane due to the healing passive that Nilah has, amplifying such casts for free. Rejuvenation heals are improved significantly on her and return some to Soraka as well! Plus, maintaining the bonus EXP that Nilah gives to both herself and her allies on last hits help you get to level 6 sooner, so you will get your ultimate faster and hopefully create a big advantage for your lane or others on the map!
Samira, similar to Nilah, has low crowd-control and very close range fighting potential. She does well in all-in positions, so keep Samira's health and her confidence up! If she full engages, move in with her and share the damage that she takes. She most likely will windwall any skill shots or damage, so staying side by side with her is a solid plan. Letting her fight solo before level 6 is not the best situation.
Senna and Soraka are virtually unkillable together! Both of them have good heals, good poke and strong disenage potential! The crowd control from these two are quite solid as well, whether Senna lands a root into your Equinox, you slow with Starcall and Senna follows up with root.. it works out well! Scaling into the mid-late game allows you both to become annoying to fight into because of the heals you both have with each other!
Although I despise laning with Seraphine APC, I cannot ignore how strong this combo is...
Seraphine has high survivability and high crowd control in all stages of the game. One of the best combinations you can run with Seraphine that is quite underrated is Soraka Starcall slow into Seraphine single E. Nobody would expect the immediate root while she can potentially cast a Q empowered with her passive double cast, or Soraka Starcall into Seraphine stunning with double E!
Mid to late game, Soraka and Seraphine are really only countered by grievous wounds. Both of their survivability makes it hard for a full 5v5 fight to go poorly, so don't get caught out in picks! Stick together, stay safe and win objectives with the high survivability!
Smolder needs time to scale, simple as that. Soraka can give that time and space, but don't push too hard to get high poke off. If anything, follow up with the slows that Smolder provides with his W, then back off. The more space you provide for Smolder for his scaling, the better your chances are for victory since he will be a strong threat to the enemy team come late game!
Swain APC is probably my favorite synergy for APCs because of his E. One strong E leads to a complete rundown of the enemy that he captures!! Swain E into Equinox, follows by Starcall and amplifying the both of you with Rejuvenation movement speed makes it difficult for the enemy to escape!
Another small tip to make Swain and Soraka work is to continue providing Rejuvenation to Swain when he is ulting. A speedy Swain in his ult usually leads to a surefire victory! He won't lose his ultimate drain and AOE if they cannot outrun him!
Varus and Soraka have great slow potential. In lane, trading patterns are really strong when you set him up with Starcall, as he can follow up with his own slow field, stack up his passive and burst. You don't even need to try and kill, just create this space so Varus can continue to farm.
Once Varus gets level 6, his ultimate into your Equinox are very hard to beat. Make sure to time your cast right so you're allowing the maximum root duration possible!
One of my favorite duo lanes, despite the fact that Vayne is quite challenging to work with.. because of her short range on autos, she cannot trade well into most matchups. In this case, you must do most of the work in poking and setting her up for success. Land Starcall, position aggressively (with caution) and give Rejuvenation to Vayne so she can chase with her three hit Silver Bolts!
I typically like to get Ardent Censer first item so that she can chase her enemies with ease, but its certainly a preference!
Veigar and Soraka lane is amazing strictly because of his E, the Cage! Whether he lands stun or simply traps his enemies within it, you can follow up easily with your abilities because of how wide the radius is on both Starcall and Equinox. Help Veigar stack his passive by following up his Cage with your kit and you should make your laning opponents uncomfortable!
Xayah and Soraka don't have the best synergy for crowd control, but Xayah utilizes Soraka's heals very well with how fast she attacks and the strength of her feathers. Be patient with Xayah in laning phase and only be very aggressive if you happen to help Xayah get a root with her feathers. Otherwise, create space just enough for her to farm safely.
The rare occasion to have Yasuo ADC is there, and winning with him is simply working with his aggression. Your best bet is to save Equinox to follow up his tornado knock-ups or to help him disengage if he gets put into a sticky situation.
Yasuo doesn't need as much healing as a typical ADC would since he has his passive shield every few seconds, but it would be reasonable to keep him as healthy as possible so it is just that much harder to kill him!
I don't like laning with Ziggs. This is mostly because he can farm with ease from far behind the wave and your poke potential is quite low on your own if he isn't going to be able to help you. There are some matchups where its easy for you both to poke heavy together, but your best bet is to play safe and rotate for your jungler when playing with a Ziggs APC!
I'd be happy to utilize the Warding Map tool, but the reference provided seems to have the map before Season 14's map came out! I will update this when that map tool is updated, but some tips for now!
Warding as Soraka is a dangerous game. A character with little self-peel and virtually 0 kill threat on her own has no reason to go out alone. Focus on warding where your jungler has created pressure, or where the lanes you are safe in have the minions pushed further than your warding position. Don't ever go alone and maybe have a tankier character check dark bushes or Fog of War for you.
Speaking of checking dark areas, utilize Starcall for scouting! Starcall gives brief vision upon the cast location. You can even use Aery, if you have that rune, to scout for you if you want to use Equinox to get a longer range cast. If Aery leaves you, you know there is an enemy (or a Fiddlesticks ward) out in the darkness you are scouting!
You rarely want to engage with ambushing enemies, so its better to not go for a ward placement or to destroy a ward for the sake of that if you're risking your life! Your life as a Soraka support is invaluable and the enemies know that your death leads to a very successful objective take. Stay alive, place safe wards, identify enemy wards and never go alone!
Thank you!
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