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Heimerdinger Build Guide by Ron Paul



Updated on August 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ron Paul Build Guide By Ron Paul 2,839 Views 0 Comments
2,839 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ron Paul Heimerdinger Build Guide By Ron Paul Updated on August 10, 2012
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well when it comes to playing the dinger you gotta make sure the other team is done kid if they are not done kid then they will win also you gotta make sure you say go go ninja boreo at the beginning of each game also you have to make sure it's a dunder kill if it's a flamingo kill you will lose the game make sure to at level 1 place your turrets at the dragon so your towers will die but it's okay you will auto attack it to death but if you completely suck at this game you will die but that's the reason we take revive so you are always in the mix baby make sure that if you ever tower dive you live with less then 50 health and write not even close baby in all chat if you don't do that you will be the biggest noob ever and then you will be all like I am the heim cause heim does what heim wants and the heim does tons and tons of damage
so at this point it will be about 5 minutes into your game you want to leave and go play wonder putt till you beat it then join back unless you are the biggest noob in history you will have beaten it at around 15 minutes at this point it's time to fight the baron if you are a total noob and die to the baron you have revive so it's okay you are always in the mix the cleanse is so that you will never be without that cool circle around you every single time it's off cool down you want to use it so you can see the white circle around you at this point you will be all like anivia i gotta a new show I wanted to know if you are interested in it's called ice wing bird ****ers were nunu beats you with his bare hands and i cut you in half with an axe then go play some dota 2 and then rage quit in the first 2 minitues then say go go ninja boreo and go north and work on a farm and then half a life with a pig as your wife.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ron Paul
Ron Paul Heimerdinger Guide
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