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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by Franky238



Updated on February 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Franky238 Build Guide By Franky238 6,310 Views 0 Comments
6,310 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Franky238 Dr. Mundo Build Guide By Franky238 Updated on February 2, 2012
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!Dont forget!

Warmog's Armor isn't stacked you must get on mind 2*350HP and 2*10 HP regen per 5s :)

And next you must get +0,3% HP regen because you have passive skill :)

Any description:
Warmog's Armor
It requires 100 minion kills minus 10 for each champion kill and assist to reach its full potential of 1270 (920+350) health and 40 (30+10) health regeneration. As such, it is most significant for tanks that have adequate farming abilities. If you managed to max out six Warmog's Armors, they would grant you a bonus 7620 (5520+2100) Health and 240 (180+60) health regeneration.
Tanks that build Warmog's Armor can be countered by Madred's Bloodrazor, as it scales off maximum health.
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Mundo was designed by Fantasyworld, an old Designer who is in Business now.
Mundo is the Spanish, Filipino, and Portuguese word for "world."
The icons for Dr. Mundo's Burning Agony and Masochism skills used in game on the champion info screen show him in his original model, which was used in the early closed beta. In fact, we can see that model on a coffin of Voodoo Shaman in Autumn version of Summoner's Rift.
His /dance was inspired by TV series House, M.D., from this episode where Dr. House dances to the song "Fight The Power ".[1] A side-by-side comparison be be seen here .
According to Rinoa, Dr. Mundo's first name is Edmundo, named after an artist at Riot.[2]


Dr. Mundo's quote "Mundo...mmm...*slurp*...smash!" may be a reference to the Hulk, a Marvel Comics character.
Dr. Mundo's famous quote, "Mundo will go where he pleases." may be a reference to Duke Nukem's quote, "I'll go where I please, and please where I go." This quote is also popular in the League of Legends community.
For Dr. Mundo's Corporate skin, many of the quotes are references from various office comedies, such as from the movie Office Space.
The line "Mundo smash like a boss!" is a reference to the popular song Like A Boss by The Lonely Island, A comedic band.
The quote about the mail room may be a reference to the Broadway musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, where the main character starts off working in the mail room like one is supposed to in business.
The quote about the ABC's of Mundo - " Always be cleavin' " - is a reference to Glengarry Glen Ross where Alec Baldwin's character explains that a good salesman should "always be closing."


Dr. Mundo's Toxic skin bears a strongly resemblance to The Hulk, a Marvel Comics character.
Dr. Mundo's Mr. Mundoverse skin is a reference to the Mr Universe bodybuilding competition.
Dr. Mundo's Corporate skin was originally a legendary skin suggestion made on the forums that gained a lot of popularity.
When Infected Cleaver is used while Dr. Mundo is in his Mundo Mundo skin, it squeaks upon hitting a unit.
Dr. Mundo's Mundo Mundo skin shows him fitting a Dr. Mundo costume. In the background, masks of Nunu, Heimerdinger, Teemo, Gangplank, and Blitzcrank can be seen as well as costumes of Tibbers, a French Maid Nidalee robe, and Cho'Gath. Urf is the costume closest to him. You can see Urf's fish.
Dr. Mundo's Mundo Mundo skin states that he dresses as himself because, "Mundo dresses as himself a lot, or else he forget. Has happened before!".
Dr Mundo's Executioner Mundo skin bears a strong resemblance to Astaroth from the Soul Caliber/Soul Edge video game franchise.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Franky238
Franky238 Dr. Mundo Guide
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