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Teemo Build Guide by Only Good Builds

Teemo:Teemo On Job!!!!

Teemo:Teemo On Job!!!!

Updated on July 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Only Good Builds Build Guide By Only Good Builds 2,113 Views 0 Comments
2,113 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Only Good Builds Teemo Build Guide By Only Good Builds Updated on July 24, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Teemo
  • LoL Champion: Teemo
  • LoL Champion: Teemo

Teemo:Teemo On Job!!!!

This is my second build with this account.
1st Build, AD
2st Build, AP
3st Build, Hyrbrid
Teemo is the best champion when feeded (No the best champion of the LoL), i think that hybrid is the better Teemo, because u will hit so much on mushrooms and will hit so much on normal attacks.Okay i think this build i no will end today so i will mark the day that i edited each part.
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On Teemo AD i'm made some masteries of farmer, the Teemo AD is the best to 1vs1 and him is good because his blind.
On Teemo AP the biggest part of the masteries is to mana regen, to you hit more on the blind i chosen Archaic Knowledge.
For hybrid i joined the AP and AD masteries, no so much but the better to u no recall so much.
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Skill Sequence

For all the builds i made the same skill sequence, soo u no will need change the sequence of your spells.I only have it to say :)
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All the runes to Teemo AD is attack speed and some AD (AD is the quintensses)
Teemo runes on AP is full AP u no will need change the runes.
W-Why???All quintesses AD?Yeah all the quintesses is AD because on Teemo Hybrid items he will have more AP than AD until with runes.
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The items of AD is almost Anti-Tank (Because black cleaver) if u do one phantom dancer of first item u can hit critical and your attacks will to be more quickly.The Black Cleaver is one nice item to AD Teemo, because if u stack fully black cleaver on the enemie u will have more chances than he to kill.
Teemo AP is the master of mushrooms, is the best teemo for escape and for kill enemies that chase so much (If u no die before...hehe). Teemo AP is the perfect Teemo for a plantation of mushrooms.
I think hybrid Teemo is the best Teemo of all, with hybrid items u will hit more on mushrooms, and on normal attacks, and if u is doing Teemo runes and have some armor penetration u can hit more with your attacks.
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So In The End Of The Build

So i ended on 1 day this build, no was so much long.
I'm brazilian and now is 00:10 here of 07/25/2011.
So if u like this build, vote and comment.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Only Good Builds
Only Good Builds Teemo Guide
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Teemo:Teemo On Job!!!!

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